Getting on With It

in Silver Bloggers6 months ago

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Has it really been three months since dropping some word vomit here?

Well, hello to anyone still around that reads this. I do hope all has been well with all of you. As far as me, there has been more going on with me than I feel comfortable sharing at the moment. Suffice it to say I did regress in my health some.

Luckily, I snapped out of it, finally. Got my wheels back under and back into the world again. Now that that seems to be on track it seemed the right time to start writing again. I mean, you have to live life to have some thing to write about, right?

I want to thank those that reached out and inquired about my status over the last few weeks. My apologies for not being more present in the Hive, but I just wasn't feeling social.

But don't feel like like the Hive is alone. Offline was no different. I didn't socialize much at all offline during my absence either.

So what have I been up to, besides getting myself right again?

Well, we have cleaned up the yeard to prepare for the winter. I have some last minute winterization things to do to the lawn mower and other lawn equipment. Yes, I am running a little behind on that seeing we had close to freezing temps already this year.

The Gav-man and I did get some fishing in. Off course as usual, it was like we were fishing the dead sea and didn't catch a thing. However, nothing beats some outdoor time with one of my sons.

I was able to start driving a bit, but approaching that very cautiously. I am not driving far or in busy traffic at this time. It was nice to get behind the steering wheel of the pickup truck with its new paint job and new bed liner. Next step is to get some repair work done on the upholstery and install a new radio with speakers.

The silver stacking and coin collecting continued, but at a little slower pace than before. It should pick up now that I am mentally back into the my routines. There are some specimens I picked up for the stack and collection to share I picked up over the last three months. Nothing really mind blowing, but I think some are cool.

Oldest son is in the home stretch of finishing his Doctor of Chiropractic schooling and starts his externship with the VA in January. He and his wife are able to visit for Christmas, so we are super happy about that.

The youngest just finished his first semester of college and is still alive. It was somehat of a challenge for him. I do not think high school adequetely prepared him for the rigors of college level work, so he is struggling somewhat. He is a trooper though, and finished the semester as strong as he could. Next semester should be better.

That is all I have for now. It is supposed to rain today most of the time, so doubtful I will get out for any good activity to post about, so most likely next post will be something related to stacking or coin collection.

Good to be back!


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Thanks for filling us in about your absence. I understand we need to take a step back before we can go forward again. You were missed and we are glad to see you back.

You are welcome. Least that could be done from my end I guess. Thanks for the welcome back.

Glad to hear you are doing okay. Sounds like things have been pretty busy there! Even a bad day fishing is better than a day not fishing, so there is always that!

Thanks. Good to hear from you. Hope all has been well with you and @mrsbozz.

It is not that things have been too busy, just off my heading I think for a while.

YOu are right about fishing. It is my escape for sure. That and reading.

Hello @coinjoe

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Well thank you very much fine sir. It is much appreciated. I do hope you are doing well.

Glad you are back, and hopefully the worst is behind you. Good for your sons. College is a totally different animal, schools do not prepare anyone now a days. Hope you keep posting. Stay well my friend.

Thanks man. I think most is all handled now. Yeah college can be unforgiving for some. I do plan to start posting again regularly, but maybe not right away. You stay well and see ya around.

Great to have you back bud !BBH !DHEDGE

Appreciate it. Good to be back.

@coinjoe! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman. (9/50)

So good to see you posting again and glad to hear you are getting backing on track.

Fishing is a great diversion, even if you don't catch anything!

Thanks. Yes, fishing is one of my favorite things to do outdoors. Like you and @bozz said, even if you don't catch anything it is enjoyable.

It certainly is!

It's good to hear from you again! I was worried about you health wise. It's great to hear you're behind the wheel again. On the road again as Willie Nelson would say. That's great news!

Your son is coming along great, soon he'll be a fully fledged Chiropracter. Keep up the good fight and improving, it's tough to socialize at times. That's a feeling I know well, I've been forcing myself to do more here on Hive though.

Take care of yourself brother, glad to hear you're back!

Thanks. Yeah, health is on the ups and both boys are doing great. My thing is just getting back into a routine again. Bottom line, I just need to f-ing do it.

Easier said than done... You can do it though

I do hope all is well with you?

Welcome back! Whatever it is, just post (once in a while). Thanks for the update o your two sons!!!

Thank you. As far as posting, that is the plan for now.

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