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RE: Late Night Musings on the Tricky Business of Telling People About Hive

in Silver Bloggers25 days ago (edited)

I tell them about the revenue from some of the top accounts here on the Hive. Remind them about what Facecrooks Zuckerdouche and others sites zillionair owners do with that money they steal. Ask them Why are they all gazillionaires? Remind them how these GoogleTriceptillianaires spend the billions of Monies that they steal from selling peoples private personal info daily.

If online I link them to this...


I miss Ryze... he was a pretty good storyteller and marketer. He had a good grip on the realities of Hive... but I recall he ended up on the wrong side of the "Hive is so amazing it markets itself" crowd...

I've tried the whole "Zuckerphuck is ripping you off" routine, but people seem hesitant to give up their convenience, just to have privacy.

But I keep trying!