A long-saved photo

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago (edited)

Una foto guardada por mucho tiempo

Hoy buscando un documento importante encontré esta foto de mi madre y pensé que sería un buen tema para que yo escribiera sobre ella.

Hace algunos años no sé cuántos, mi hija comenzaba a estudiar fotografía paralela a su carrera de periodismo, llego a casa con una cámara fotográfica y comenzó a fotografiar todo lo que encontraba a su paso.

Cuando enfocó a mi madre, su abuela, rápidamente ella le dijo que no la fotografiara, que estaba muy vieja y arrugada para eso, y se van a reír de mí. Mima que es eso, le respondió mi hija, estoy segura de que esta foto va a quedar muy linda y te verás tal como eres. Y en efecto, así quedó. Comprenderán que fue una de las primeras fotos que mi hija hizo, que si la comparan con las de hoy, verán la diferencia. Pero como todo lo que guardo tiene tremendo valor sentimental para mí, hasta ella se sorprenderá cuando la vea, quizás la daba por perdida.

Mi madre nunca quiere que la retratemos, dice que no queda bien en fotos. Es que no le gusta y ya. Y ella tiene su carácter. Nosotros la sobrellevamos y la respetamos mucho. Cuando llegó la foto en papel, intentó romperla y desaparecerla, pero me las ingenié para esconderla y hasta hoy no sabe que existe.

Actualmente, no quiere reconocer que las arrugas no es un defecto ni algo feo, todo lo contrario, es reflejo de haber vivido muchos años y que debe sentirse orgullosa de ello. Las arrugas son para las personas, como los anillos que marcan los años de un viejo árbol en su centro.

Su vida fue desde su infancia muy difícil, pues quedó huérfana de padre y madre cuando solo tenía siete años y fue criada por una hermana mayor, en situación difícil del país. Solo estudio la primaria y tuvo desde muy joven que trabajar duro para poder sobrevivir. Conoció a mi padre cuando aún no tenía quince años, se casaron y crearon una familia de tres hijas.

Nos crió con mucho amor, trabajo sin descanso para hacernos mujeres honestas y trabajadoras, nos dio una buena educación, nos proporcionó todo hasta hacernos universitarias y tener buenas carreras.

A pesar de sus años y sus arrugas la veo muy bonita, tiene sus ojitos azules verdosos en ocasiones como las tonalidades del mar, es pequeña pero no frágil. Creo que como es ella, nunca reconocerá que es vieja a pesar de los años que tiene.

Mima, como le decimos sus hijas, o mimita como le dicen sus nietas y su bisnieto seguirá prohibiendo que la fotografiemos y nosotros haciendo todo lo contrario porque queremos tener constancia de sus cambios y sus arrugas.

Estamos orgullosos de nuestra madre, ha sobrevivido a los avatares de la vida, solo de su familia le queda una hermana un año mayor que ella. Perdió a mi padre que fue el único amor de su vida y sigue aquí llena de salud y fuerte como un roble. Yo en lo personal quisiera vivir los años que ella ya ha vivido.

Que Dios le dé muchos años más de vida y que siga tan linda como es a pesar de las múltiples arrugas que hoy tiene.


Today while looking for an important document I found this photo of my mother and I thought it would be a good topic for me to write about her.

Some years ago, I don't know how many years ago, my daughter was beginning to study photography in parallel to her journalism career, she came home with a camera and began to photograph everything in her sight.

When she focused on my mother, her gramma, she quickly told her not to photograph her, that she was too old and wrinkled for that, and you will laugh at me. Mima what is that?, -my daughter replied. I am sure this photo will be very pretty and you will look just as you are.


And indeed, that's how it turned out. You will understand that it was one of the first photos my daughter took, and if you compare it with today's, you will see the difference. But as everything I keep has tremendous sentimental value for me, even she will be surprised when she sees it, perhaps she thought she had lost it.

My mother never wants us to take a picture of it, she says it doesn't look good in photos. She just doesn't like it. And she has a temper. We cope with her and respect her a lot. When the paper photo arrived, she tried to tear it up and disappear, but I managed to hide it and to this day she doesn't know it exists.

Currently, she does not want to recognize that wrinkles are not a defect or something ugly, on the contrary, it is a reflection of having lived many years and that she should be proud of it. Wrinkles are for people, like the rings that mark the years of an old tree in its center.

Her life was very difficult since her childhood, as she was orphaned when she was only seven years old and was raised by an older sister, in a difficult situation of the country. She only studied elementary school and from a very young age had to work hard to survive. She met my father when she was not yet fifteen years old, they got married and created a family of three daughters.

I took this picture recently

She raised us with a lot of love, worked tirelessly to make us honest and hardworking women, gave us a good education, provided us with everything until we became university students and had good careers.

Despite her years and wrinkles I see her very pretty, she has her little greenish blue eyes sometimes like the shades of the sea, she is small but not fragile. I think that as she is, she will never recognize that she is old in spite of her years.

Mima, as her daughters call her, or mimita as her granddaughters and great-grandson call her, will continue to forbid us to photograph her and we will continue to do the opposite, because we want to have a record of her changes and her wrinkles.

We are proud of our mother, she has survived the hazards of life, only one of her family has a sister a year older than her. She lost my father who was the only love of her life and she is still here in good health and as strong as an oak tree. I personally would like to live the years she has already lived.

May God give her many more years of life and may she continue to be as beautiful as she is in spite of the many wrinkles she has today.

All images are my property
Translated with DeepL.com (free version). I also used Grammarly to improve my writing.


Beautiful story about this photograph of your mother and your mother herself. A look that denotes many things. But above all love! ❤️

Thank you very much dear @avdesing with your loving comments. Yes that look besides tired still has a lot to say. Happy weekend to you. 🥰🤗❤️

I really like to see deeply into people's looks, thanks to you!❤️

😍 Gracias por conservar esa foto. La hice con mi primera y única cámara analógica que tuve: una Pentax.

Cuando la encontré supe que iba a gustarte. Siempre estoy guardando recuerdos. ❤️🥰

Se ve que estaba molesta porque le apunté con mi cámara 😂

Cuando miro a mi madre con sus arrugas también la veo muy hermosa, una historia muy bonita @mamani

What beautiful words, the greatest thing we have are our mothers. They have given everything for us. Thank you, have a nice weekend. 🤗🥰

 3 months ago  

What a lovely tribute to your Mom @mamani!
My Mom also did not like her photo taken, but they do look beautiful. Those wrinkles show character!
It's great that she also still feels and thinks 'young', is so important. Your little Mom looks to be a strong woman, and you have reason to be proud of her xxx

Yes, we are proud of her, and it is a privilege to be older and still have her. She is fragile, but she has character.
Thank you so much for your kind words. Have a nice weekend. 🥰🤗❤️

Mothers love is always the best❤️. Your so lucky to still have your mother around at this age🥰.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a nice Sunday.

Of course your mom is beautiful and pretty, and the wrinkles give her a special touch! May she be strong and healthy for many more years!

Thank you for your compliments to my mother. All mothers are beautiful and should be loved very much. Have a good week to you and your family.🤗

Hello @mamani

This is @coquicoin and I'm part of the Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.

Thank you for sharing your excellent post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted, and curated.


Thank you so much @coquicoin and Silver Bloggers' Community team for your support. 🤗🥰

You are very welcome!

Y por cierto es preciosa la foto de tu mamá. A la mia tampoco le gustan las fotos. Que la vida le de muchos años más y con mucha salud. 🤗

Your mother is a very beautiful woman. His eyes shine with wisdom. May God give him many years of life.

Thank you very much for these compliments to my mother. Also for dedicating time to me. Have a nice week.🤗🥰🌹

You are happy because you have your mother by your side. You should enjoy every day spent with her!
Unfortunately, my mother died 7 years ago and I feel sadness for the days when she was alive... she always waited for me at the door... my mother was kind and fair....

I am so sorry my friend, the pain never goes away and the memory of her is carried in your heart for life. Think of the beautiful moments you lived with her. I pray to God every day to give my mother a lot of health. She is already 92 years old and she is strong. My regards. 🤗❤️