It was a challenge for me

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago

Fue un reto para mí

La mente es como un paracaídas, solo funciona si la tenemos abierta.

Albert Einstein.

Han pasado cuatro meses de mi entrada en Hive. Lo que pareció para mí algo imposible de realizar hoy es una realidad.

No pensé nunca que podría enfrentarme a algo que era completamente nuevo para mí, llevaba muchos años retirada, dedicada completamente a las labores de la casa, solo viendo TV, novelas, seriales. Un día mi hija me propuso integrarme a este proyecto que ha llegado a mí como una bendición.

Escribir es algo que toda la vida me ha gustado, expresar mis ideas, mis emociones, mis recuerdos y mis vivencias. También leer, buscar información, familiarizarme de lleno con las nuevas tecnologías, ir en la práctica aprendiendo indirectamente un nuevo idioma. Un tremendo reto para mí a mi edad. Interactuar con otras personas de otras nacionalidades, conocer sus costumbres y sus idiosincrasias, nuevos lugares, hermosos paisajes, sobre todo tener nuevos amigos que poco a poco van convirtiéndose en parte imprescindibles en el día a día. Se abrió un nuevo mundo para mí y una nueva razón para hacer más llevadera la vida. Me siento completamente renovada.

Quiero cada día aprender un poquito más, sé que aún tengo mis dificultades, pero he sentido muy de cerca el apoyo de mi hija que, aunque en ocasiones pierde un poco la paciencia, al final me entiende. Por ella hago todo lo posible por ser mejor y tener más cuidado. Le agradezco sobremanera lo que me ha enseñado de fotografía. También el apoyo de los amigos de Hive. Con sus lindos comentarios y la sutileza con que lo hacen, me siento reconfortada.

Antes me sobraba el tiempo y no sabía en qué emplearlo para mi disfrute personal, hoy no me alcanza por mucho que lo planifique, hasta cuando duermo me surgen nuevas ideas nuevos temas para escribir, será que en ese momento vienen a mí las musas, entonces también doy las gracias porque me han hecho vivir nuevos momentos y una nueva ilusión en mi vida.

Hoy nos hemos ido adaptándonos a estos nuevos tiempos, no podemos aislarnos hay que tener optimismo y así nuestro cerebro se refuerza para la creación, nuestros contenidos van encaminados a motivar, el pensamiento positivo, la satisfacción personal, la alegría el apreciar lo bello y lo que pudiera ser feo y a su vez es bello también, la naturaleza, el actuar de las personas, como vivimos como nos vestimos, los avances de las tecnologías, la vida en general.

Cuando me siento a interactuar con los amigos de Hive, lo mismo estoy en un país de mi continente que en Europa, Asia o África. ¡Qué bonito es y hablando de cualquier tema!

Tengo hasta hoy ya publicados 23 posts, porque voy a las cifras, pues al final no puedo olvidar que soy economista, aunque ahora me dedique a escribir.

He escrito para varias comunidades ya y pretendo poco a ir incursionando en otras, creo que es la mejor forma de conocer más amigos y que me conozcan. También que conozcan a mi pueblo, a mi gente, a mi Cuba en general.


The mind is like a parachute, it only works if we keep it open.

Albert Einstein.

Four months have passed since I joined Hive. What seemed to me to be an impossible thing to do is now a reality.

I never thought I could face something that was completely new to me. I had been retired for many years, completely dedicated to housework, only watching TV, soap operas, serials. One day my daughter proposed me to join this project that has come to me as a blessing.

Writing is something I have always enjoyed, to express my ideas, my emotions, my memories, and my experiences. Reading also, looking for information, familiarizing myself with new technologies, and indirectly learning a new language indirectly. A tremendous challenge for me at my age. Interacting with people of other nationalities, getting to know their customs and idiosyncrasies, new places, beautiful landscapes, and above all having new friends who gradually become an indispensable part of my everyday life. A new world has opened for me and a new reason to make life more bearable. I feel completely renewed.

I want to learn a little more every day, I know that I still have my difficulties, but I have felt the support of my daughter who, although she sometimes loses her patience a little, understands me in the end. For her sake I do everything I can to be better and more careful. I am very grateful for what she has taught me about photography. Also, the support of Hive's friends. With their nice comments and the subtlety with which they do it, I feel comforted.

Before I had plenty of time and I didn't know where to spend it for my personal enjoyment, today I don't have enough time no matter how much I plan it, even when I sleep I get new ideas and new topics to write about, maybe that's when the muses come to me, so let's thank them too because they have made me live new moments and a new illusion in my life.


Today we have been adapting to these new times, we cannot isolate ourselves, we must be optimistic and our brain is strengthened for creation, our contents are aimed at motivating, positive thinking, personal satisfaction, happiness, appreciating the beautiful and what could be ugly and at the same time is also beautiful, nature, the actions of people, how we live, how we dress, the advances in technology, life in general.

When I sit down to interact with Hive's friends, I'm in a country of my continent, in Europe, Asia or Africa, how beautiful it is and talking about any topic!

I have published 23 posts so far, because I am going by the numbers, as I can't forget that I am an economist, even though I am now a writer.

I have already written for several communities, and I intend to start writing for others, I think it is the best way to meet more friends and to get to know me. I also want them to get to know my town, my people, my Cuba in general.

All images are my property
Translated with (free version)


Mamani, how nice that I was able to bring you here and know that it is something that makes you feel renewed. I lose my patience because patience is not exactly a virtue I have. 😔 However, I work hard to achieve it. Forgive me. I love you very much and it is truly a privilege for me to have a mother like you. 😍🌞

Daughter, I will know how much you love me. So much more than the universe, just as I love you. I promise I won't say it anymore. But.... I love you with all my heart ♥️

What a beautiful post Mamani. How wonderful that Hive has brought so many good things into your life. Your spirit and will are admirable, it gives me great pleasure to have met you. Hugs. 🤗💚

Que hermoso post Mamani. Que maravilla que Hive haya traído tantas cosas buenas a su vida. Su espíritu y voluntad son admirables, me da mucho gusto haberla conicido. Abrazos. 🤗💚

I appreciate your words of praise for me, that's what I meant. Meeting you was also nice as well as your family. All that makes me happy. Thank you very much for stopping by and reading what I write. Have a nice weekend.🥰🤗

Un abrazo Mamani, feliz fin de semana para ustedes también.

Four months already! Congratulations 🥂
Although I have the feeling that you have been around Hive for longer, maybe as a reader before you joined. That is so great that you found joy and satisfaction both in writing and reading, keep up with this spirit, @mamani

P.S. Is it a little collection of small soft toys on the top of the computer? 😁
One of the months it will be the theme for that community where we share our collections 😉

I see @mipiano that my mini stuffed animals caught your attention. They belonged to my daughters and my grandson. I had many more and have been giving them away to my neighbors. You thought this four month old girl plays with stuffed animals, maybe, just kidding! With this post I wanted to thank all of you who have always supported me. And keep going. Thank you for your nice comment.
Happy weekend.🥰🤗🌹

How nice that you are here and that you can experience this new thing and live it intensely, changes are often good. I send you a big hug!🤗

Thank you friend, the post is dedicated to you and how much I appreciate it. You always support me with your comments and greetings. Happy weekend.🤗🥰

Many many thanks to you always!!!😘

Hello @mamani

This is @coquicoin and I'm part of the Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.

Thank you for sharing your excellent post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted, and curated.


I love this community and will always be grateful for the support they give me. I think I will be part of Silver Bloggers if they allow me and I earn it with my effort. Thanks to all the team and @coquicoin. 🥰

You are welcome! We are happy to have you in our community 🤗

Thank you very much. 😘

It's great how Hive opens doors to a new world where we can meet people from all over the world. I love that you feel this way.

Congratulations on those 23 posts and may there be many more. And thanks for being part of Silver Bloggers. Abrazos!

Thanks to you for how you support me, for your nice and kind comments to my posts. Thinking of you I wrote.
To you thank you very much and happy weekend and many successes.🥰🤗❤️

It is a pleasure to be able to help those who come to Hive just as I was helped when I started, especially here in the Silver Bloggers community :)
You are very kind for your comment 🤗 I know you have in your daughter the best guide, but whenever you need help around here, you can ask me. Saludos 😊


Congratulations for the 23 post and my thanks for giving us the opportunity to know you, to know more about Cuba and its people. Best regards

Thank you very much for your nice words, and for your friendship.
I wish you a happy weekend.🤗

I wish you the same, happy weekend


It was a resounding change no doubt, usually the muse is more active when one goes to sleep, and ends up not sleeping to be thinking of all the ideas that are emerging haha I do not know if it happens to you, but the next day all those ideas are gone, how sad haha

I'm glad you found your space to rediscover yourself, congratulations 😍🦉

You are so right if I get ideas while I sleep and don't get up to write a review, the next day they are erased or I change the idea. But I have some notebooks that are my allies. Thank you so much, you are always there with your kind comments. Along with Buhito of course, I don't want him to get jealous. Thanks, happy weekend.🥰🤗❤️