A Stunning Sunrise in Central Oregon

in Silver Bloggers6 months ago

The day had finally arrived for us to go out to the woods and retrieve our Christmas Tree. Our first task though was to get some coffee, eat and take a little walk around town. We had no idea the visual wonders the Universe had in store for us! Follow along as I share the visual treats. 🙂


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We had seen the beginnings of the light show when we left home for the short drive into the coffee shop.



While waiting for our order I stepped outside to capture the start of the colors.

After picking up our order we took a short drive over to our usual eating spot. Normally it is the Three Sisters Mountain peaks that are the attraction here but the sunrise was stealing the thunder of the cloud covered mountains.


As we arrived back in town to begin our walk we were greeted with a sky giving of an extreme orange hue. you can see it in the reflection of the damp asphalt. I usually have my Nikon DSLR with me but today my Samsung S20 phone would have to do...



I think it did a pretty good job of capturing the brilliance of the colors. 👍


As we continued to walk down the street I couldn't help but stop and take more pictures and soak in the beauty of it all.




Like I said I was pretty enamored with this sunrise and tried to capture it several different angles. Above is a pano I stitched together.

In the end I don't think any camera could capture the size and magnitude of this atmospheric event. It lasted well over a half and hour and was an incredible start to my day! 😀

Please feel free to make comments or ask me any questions about this post.

Photos taken by me, @oldmans, with a Samsung S20 Phone.
Please visit Pinmapple to see the locations of some of my other posts.
Thanks for looking and enjoy your day!


Stunning, nature really provides the best free nature show!

It was well worth the price of admission. 😉

The best bit... that admission ticket is good for many shows!

Wow!! What a captivating sunrise. The photos are amazing!

Thank you! I'm just lucky I had a camera in my pocket. 😉

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