Preserving Family History - A Short Story of Letting Go

in Silver Bloggers7 months ago

While sorting through old photos to continue on with my project of digitizing my parent's picture collection, I ran across some more of my dad's old ski jumping programs from the 1950's. After a chance encounter with an Ebay buyer a few months ago, I was given an opportunity to find a new home for some of my dad's old memorabilia and a new mindset about letting go.


Love the way this one is put together and all the adds on the back.

divider hive1.PNG

The two books below that belonged to my dad are the initial items I put on Ebay. From an emotional stand point these were much easier to let go of. He had been involved in judging ski jumps and designing hills and these were his guides. For me it was much easier to let go of these then it would be the more personal jumping programs.


After the Ebay sale was complete the buyer contacted me to ask if I had any other memorabilia of my dad's that I might be willing to part with, especially jumping programs. Personally letting go of those seemed an impossible task given the sentimental value I had placed on them.



Again the simple graphics and the adds seem to embody the 1950's style.


When I found out the buyer also worked with the Washington State Ski & Snowboard Museum (WSSSM), my thinking on the matter began to change. I mean what better home for these then a museum where his name would always be attached to them.




Even had some with pictures and a little color added.


Single sheet bare bones above and one with some hand drawn graphics. They had all kinds. 😃


So in the end I let them go and I feel good about these relics from the past finding a good home. I have also found a resource that might be interested in some of the 100's of skijumping pics and movie clips I still have to explore. I think my dad would be happy that his stuff is going to a good home and will see the light of day again.


And lastly a short gif and a pic of my dad in action. Maybe a teaser for a future post?😀


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I think it's great that you have found a new home for some of your father's old memorabilia, it's like giving it a new life. For sure your dad would love it.

Thank you! It took me a little bit to get there but I definitely think it was the right thing to do.

 7 months ago  

Precious memories for sure, aren't we fortunate to have this platform for storing life experiences! I think it's a wonderful idea to donate it to a museum where it can be appreciated by many!

Thank you! It felt like the right thing to do and I still have the pictures and post to revisit the memories. Maybe even a trip to the museum nest spring to check things out. 🙂
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Finding a good place to house these sweet memories is priceless, for future enthusiasts to see, well done!

Thank you! It is a labor of love. 😀

Always letting go to somewhere it will be appreciated one feels a lot happier.

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That gif is awesome!
Your dad had some serious skills
and I love what you are doing.

Must be guite the nostalgic rollercoaster.

It is a very worthwhile journey. Along with the nostalgia I am learning more about our family history. 🙂

That makes total sense :<)