Homemade Lilac Body Butter - by Sunscape

in Silver Bloggers29 days ago


I had one more opportunity to make good use of the last Lilac blossoms this week. One of my trees has very dark flowers and blooms later than the other varieties I have. This gave me a chance to gather the blooms and make a small batch of body butter for myself.

Body Butter Recipe

3 cups of lilac buds
1 cup avocado oil
1 cup cocoa butter wafers
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup jojoba oil
1/2 cup white bee pastilles
8-10 drops of lavender essential oil
1/4 tsp. of purple mica


The first thing to do is simmer the buds in the avocado oil for about 40 minutes to release the properties of the lilac flowers.


Let it cool for a few minutes and then strain the liquid pressing as much of the oil from the buds as possible.


I use a small crockpot to melt the cocoa wafers and the bee pastilles. All the oils are added to the crock pot while melting. It takes a short while to melt the pastilles but stirring occasionally will quicken the process once the oil is hot.


Once the oil and pastilles are melted add a bit of mica for coloring and essential oil for scenting. You can use any fragrance, I chose lavender for this batch.


I transferred the mixture to the mixer bowl and placed it into the refrigerator to cool and harden slightly. Once that happens I use the stand mixer with a blending hook to whip the body butter. I let it whip for about 10 minutes and then transfer it into jars.


The whipped body butter is wonderful for hydrating your skin. I haven't bought skin lotion or any creams for years now. Once you use body butter you will never choose those watered-down lotions or creams again.


Making your own is so simple and you can use whatever type of oil that you prefer or have on hand. There are so many ways you can create your own and I hope you do some research to find the perfect recipes for yourself.


Benefits of Lilacs for Skin Health:

Lilac is a powerful antioxidant that bolsters your skin's defensive functions. Having antioxidants around helps to stem the tide of free radical damage, keeping your skin plump and youthful. (Sourced from Google)

Lilacs contain compounds that may benefit skin health, such as vitamin C and antioxidants. These can help protect the skin from damage caused by UV radiation, pollution, and other environmental stressors, as well as, promote collagen production and skin repair.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


This is great! Making creams from your bloom. You know I was thinking after reading your post, why don't I make my own natural body creams instead of using these watered down ones we buy off the counter? Good job and beautiful colour.

 28 days ago  

Edith, making your creams is so easy and much healthier for you. There are tons of recipes online to do so. Have fun!

Hello @sunscape
It's amazing that you can make your own body creams.
very grateful that you have taught us the steps to make this cream
Thank you so much

 28 days ago  

You are welcome.

That's absolutely so wonderful to prepare homemade body butter with Lilacs. 100% Pure & Natural. Brilliant effort @sunscape

The market ones are loaded with several preservatives, therefore we all should make an effort to focus more on homemade products for our own health benefits.

 27 days ago  

I agree wholeheartedly! Homemade all-natural products are not only healthier but fun to do as well. Body butter is so simple to make.

Oh wow, what a sensational creation!

I am so grateful that you have shared your recipe with us as I have never actually though about it before, but now it has inspired me to think about making some of my own at some stage.

I am going to my home town in a week or so, so I will see if there's any petals left on any of Mums flowers to use.

Though you're does look delicious...and actually very edible...😋🤣

 28 days ago  

There are many types of flowers that you can infuse into the oils. There are many good recipes online to do so. Have fun with making body butter.

Yes that is true, but one that Mum's has a few trees is Carnations though the flowers fall off the tree at the drop of a hat, and it's pretty cold here now so I don't think that there'l be any left by the time I get up there....

I was however thinking about Orange leaves..cause we've got a big orange tree there which might still have some life on it..and I LOVE the smell of Orange too....

I imagine that I could get some orange oil out of them using your method and that would be pretty good for your skin too.

What do you think?

 27 days ago  

I think it is worth the effort and why not orange leaves. I might research if anyone else has extracted the leaves in oil. It would be interesting to try since there are citrus essential oils. Have fun!

Yes, yes true....now you've got me really thinking!

Let me know how you go and I'll share my results with you (hopefully I'll have some results to share...

Wow. The colour! That's incredible! Bookmarking.

 28 days ago  

I'm so happy you enjoyed the body butter. I added too much Mica as a softer lavender color would have been better in my opinion. ;-)

 29 days ago  

Absolutely wonderful, thanks for the recipe I would love to give it try
Beautiful color

 28 days ago  

Thank you, farm-mom. There are many good recipes online for making different types of body butters.

That's great. Everything is natural and without industrial additives. I am sure that the very process of creation is a pleasure.

 28 days ago  

The best part is the all-natural aspects. When I read the long lists of ingredients in products today, I cringe.

Anything you do with natural ingredients is very good for your skin. It looks great and for sure very fresh and nice. Thanks for sharing how to prepare it. 🤗❤️

 28 days ago  

All-natural is the best and being able to use the florals from my own gardens is so satisfying.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

I was surprised to read you had added lavender sent lilac body butter! The lilac obviously didn’t come through. But it must be heavenly to use!