THE FELLING OF A GIANT ~ over 250 years old would be my guess.

in Silver Bloggers6 months ago

Just over two years ago our daughter and her husband purchased their first home.

Before signing on the dotted line she wanted us to see the house. Having built a few homes in my lifetime, she wanted my assessment. We met her in Pennsylvania at the home they were renting and followed her to the house they were considering buying.

As we pulled into the driveway, the first thing that caught my eye was a tree that towered over the house. For a fellow that had fallen in love with these gifts from #nature, looooong ago, a smile erupted on my mug before I even shifted the car into PARK. Come to think of it, I may have exited the vehicle why it was still moving.

From there on, things only got better. Structurally the house was sound, it was move in ready, and the view was spectacular. After taking a tour of the interior of the joint, our daughter told us the price. I gave her a double thumbs up, after which I spent the next half of an hour gawking at this amazing creation of #Mother #Nature, circling the behemoth structure, that dwarfed my presence.

Fast forward two years.

A few weeks ago, our daughter called us and immediately I could tell by her voice something was up, and there was. After filling me in on what was bothering her, I was relieved. The situation that concerned her had nothing to do with family!

The disquiet that was apparent in her voice had to do with the tree you see in this picture. Last year, this astounding, giant Hard Maple tree looked like this, besides the upside triangle of course. The triangle I placed here outlines an area of the tree that shows that something was not right, which no one noticed last year. The slight difference in the color of the foliage, a pale green rather than the deep green you see on both sides of the triangle was of no concern, until recently.

tree august.png

The Hard Maple, also referred to as the Sugar Maple, was sick.

This Spring, the entire section inside the triangle was dead, not a single leaf. The huge branch that supported all of this greenery was losing it bark as well. A tree of this magnitude is something to admire. All of the gifts that it has bestowed over the centuries of its existence would be coming to an abrupt end.

The sap for making Maple syrup that comes from this tree, the shade it provides from the ever intensifying sunlight, its innate ability to magically consume CO2 and expel O, a place for our #featheredfriends to nest, and the sheer beauty that a tree of this magnitude tantalizes us with, as the seasons change, would VANISH.


I almost forgot to mention the fun that this tree has bestowed upon its new caretakers
in such a short period of time.
Just last year I spent several hours hobbitizing with our Erica. We came down for a quick visit and before I knew it, she was all belted up and ready to go. The time we spent hanging a swing from a giant limb of the tree was a gift in itself.


The swing was a big hit and the kids had a hard time dislodging the adults from its seat.

swing adults.png

Before starting to have the process of toppling this WONDER,
our daughter and her husband did their due diligence,
having two different arborists come to their home to evaluate the situation.
Sadly, both experts came up with the same conclusion, the tree needed to go


Being that Erica works second shift she watched the amputation unfold.
As one limb after the next found its way to the ground, the anguish had to build.
On impact, the thunderous collision between 1,000 pound limbs and the earth would be the last she would hear from this marvel.
The breezes that once ruffled the leaves of this giant wind chime would now pass silently.




Even in its death it has left behind a gift, FIREWOOD.

IMG_6067 (1).jpg

The view from the kitchen window will take time to adjust too
as the passing of time will take the sting out of this new reality.

While the gentleman who dropped the tree, stands over the giant he has just brought to its knees, I wonder what his thoughts were? Is he saddened by what had to be done, I would like to think so.

The arborists were spot on and our Erica and her hubby made the right call. The color of the wood where you see the circle drawn is known as the sapwood and heartwood of a tree. Their color should be as white as the rest of this log.

The Giant Sugar Maple had been executed by something so very tiny, Carpenter Ants.
These destructive insects had to be going at it for years upon years to accomplish such devastation.


sorely missed.png


All of the gifts that it has bestowed over the centuries of its existence would be coming to an abrupt end.

I know that feeling, we had a Mango tree, that was almost more than 120 years old, and we even climbed and plucked Mangoes from the branches that we could go to. Almost a tree similar to this size, which had to go after the Super cyclone, the memory remains with us forever.

A Mango tree that size must have produced loads of fruit. Climbing a tree was always a lot of fun, but with age comes wisdom and a sense that we should be more careful.

A Mango tree that size must have produced loads of fruit.

Almost a house full of mangoes, and we would give loads of mangoes to friends and families, by visiting their place. That time going to someone's house was a pleasure and the only means of socialization.

Knowing that we are both #gardeners, doesn't it always give great pleasure to share our bounty with others? A house full of mangoes must have gone a long way. I'm sure your generosity put a lot of smiles on the faces of those you visited!

doesn't it always give great pleasure to share our bounty with others?

200%, only they know that feeling who have done.

Peace be with you. my faraway friend!

 6 months ago  

It's so sad when one has to cut down old giants like that, but they become dangerous when weakened by ants, of all things! So common everywhere.
I had to get someone to trim our Pigeonwood tree recently as some of the branches were hanging over the roof. He could not simply cut away without giving thought to balance. The ends look so bare at the moment, but will soon have green shoots again. I will just have to keep an eye on it though!

I saw this awesome sculpture below on a Facebook page called 'Wonderful Things on the Web'
tree hand sculpture.png

The tallest tree in Wales had been damaged by a storm and was supposed to be cut down, but chainsaw artist: Simon O'Rourke found a better solution. To symbolize the tree's last attempt to reach the sky, he did this with the tree

When this tree was dropped the house looked so different. I am sure that without the shade it casts over the entire home, this summer the house will be a lot hotter.

It's always good to operate on the side of caution.

When I saw your comment with the picture, at first all that was in view was the hand. As I scrolled down the entire picture came into view. What a spectacular piece of art. Chainsaw artists produce some of the most awesome carvings I've ever seen.

When we had to cut down all ou4 trees, it was so very sad. I had planted them all 40 years before and watched them get big and beautiful. It’s sad when a tree has to come down…

Very sad for sure. I didn't know that you had been at your present location for that period. So much had to have changed over the years with all of the efforts you have put into your farm.

Yes, it’s come a long ways since 1983. But I miss my trees!

 6 months ago  

What a monster to lose!

Sometimes things can't be corrected and in this case there was no getting around the fact that the Maple had to come down.

Or even in our country there are such trees, some are 100 years old, some are 150 years old, but still when the leaves grow on them again, they look new and beautiful, so we always know the history of such things. So it is very interesting for us.

Old-growth forests are something to admire.

Irreplaceable when giant old trees become infested safety comes first, if out in a field it would not have mattered.

Whenever big trees are felled down I feel a sadness overcome me, thinking of the life that existed thriving from such a magnificent long living tree.

When I first heard the news I was in shock. Just last year the tree looked good to go for another 100 years but in what seems like in the blink of an eye the tree needed to come down.

It will be very interesting to see how things will change now that the tree is down. One big change will be the temperature of the inside of the home in the summer. With the shade the tree provided, I would suspect that they will have to run their air conditioning a lot more.

Loss of tree that looks so healthy is always a shocker, running the air conditioner will be on the cards, we rely on shade especially over here.


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@papilloncharity(3/15) tipped @thebigsweed (x5)
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How devastating. I can feel your pain watching this old giant meet it's end. It's only nature of course - but still. Gutting.

Gut wrenching for sure. Could you imagine the stories this tree could tell if it could talk.

Darn shame! Those frigging carpenter ants are evil! Could the majestic Sugar Maple tree have been saved if the carpenter ant infestation had been noticed years ago? @thebigsweed


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Go Stake some more and increase your PIMP power.
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Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

A shame for sure. When it comes to bugs infesting a tree, it's almost impossible to tell if the any tree is infested because they leave very little trace where they have entered. By the time you notice that something is wrong it's usually too late. 😥

It is sad...oh

So sad that our daughter was shedding some tears while we spoke with her on the phone.

I know the heartbreak of losing an old giant. After 3 years, I still mourn the loss of the 150 year old oak that was in my yard. They are irreplaceable.

I always thought, if trees could talk what a story they would be able to tell after being around for so long.

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Thanks for the info. I clicked on the link for rankings, very interesting. thanks for keeping an eye on me.

You're welcome @thebigsweed! Keep up the great work and continue contributing to the community. If you have any other questions or need further information, feel free to ask. 😄

The difference in the triangle section of that tree might have been so much little to notice

It never caught anyone's attention until it was too late.

The tree is a gigantic one that even covers the house and I’m sure it would have been very good for providing shade
I wonder why it was cut off
I feel bad

 6 months ago  

No, oh no, what a loss. At first, I was hesitant to open the post, as we have so many of our old oaks being felled over here. Lines of them in one go, due to what they call the borer beetle. A person wants to cry, and Marian often does, so forgive me if I don't show her this post.

But we have to face reality and in your case, a dead tree can become a dangerous tree, especially if it falls on the house. The family photos made me to feel a bit better, especially the athletes on the swings !LOL

Blessings to you guys and the family.


I went to a really emotional wedding the other day.
Even the cake was in tiers.

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Our daughter called us several times that day as the tree was being cut down and was crying every time we spoke to her.
We also have a borer beetle that has invaded our area and is descimating every Ash tree in its path. The Emerald Ash Borer.


The arborists that she had come to the house to access the situation told her the same thing, very dangerous situation that you should head off. In the beginning they were going to try and save the tree by only cutting down the dead section, but they made the right call.

Former athletes on the swing. 😁

With the holidays just around the corner I hope you folk are doing great so that you can enjoy every second of this very special time of year.

Peace, my friend.

 6 months ago  

Shame man, I feel so sorry for her, as it is always such a dreadful feeling to see a proud old giant being felled.
Sad news about your emerald ash borer, and I sincerely hope that they will not start to appear over here. Our botanical scientists are working very hard to find a chemical solution to eradicate the borer beetles, but in the meantime the old oak beauties continue to fall. Weird how the borers can hollow out the entire cores of the oaks. I have a photo somewhere, that I will look for to show you.
I hope that ash tree borer is not on your property yet?

I am glad that you guys took the decision to remove the tree, even with some tears, but one would rather cry about a tree than a life.

Hahaha, I knew that you would say something like this, but our hearts just refuse to grow old. At least some former athletes could still swing !LOLZ

Not to be my friend, we had our last 4 day break recently and now the work of Christmas lunches for the old people and parties for the kids will require our support.
Marian's aunt has invited us to join their family at her home for Christmas lunch, and that's about it for us. But I am not complaining, as we are used to it.

Peace be also unto you and yours!


My roommate keeps saying that our house is haunted.
But I've lived here for last 216 years, and haven't heard anything unusual.

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The Ash borer infested this area a few years ago. Most of the trees that NYSEG took down when clearing the power lines on our property were dead Ash trees that were killed by the borer. We have at least 100 other Ash trees that have been infested, some completely dead while others show signs that they are also infested.

At least the dead trees will provide firewood for us in the future.

After seeing the poor condition the tree was in, they made the right call!

With our children going in many different directions on Christmas we will be celebrating the holiday this weekend so that we can ALL get together.

Without the support that @papilloncharity provides to the community, I wonder how much joy these folks would experience if not for your wonderful organization.

Sharing this day with at least some of your loved ones is a good thing, although I'm sure you would love to share the holiday with a big gathering.

Have a splendid day.

 6 months ago  

Oh man, the borers can really create havoc in nature and I hope that it's done and over now. Amazing how the different species can select only certain trees for their nests, as in your case it is the ash trees and in our case, it is solely the English oaks.

Oh yes, I think that they did not have any other choice, as safety is paramount.

It sounds heavenly to have all in the family over and we wish all of you to have a great and a blessed time.

The good thing here is that we have a few other non-profits, charities, and community efforts that share their love and care for the elderly and all of those that have nothing, so Papillon is only a partner in some instances, as it is not about the shine, but rather about the care. So, we all try to do our best, as united we can do so much more.
I am now in the process of setting up a new group of retired CEOs, ministers, reverends, and basically anyone that will be interested in pragmatic discussions and ideas centered on the improvement of the conditions that the poor face every day. There is a lot of wisdom and talent sidelined and isolated in the retirement homes and we want to offer them a new purpose.
I have just started with it this week, and thankfully I have three reputable members already.

The good thing about Marian's family is that they all pray for us and our work. That's why I feel very comfortable with them. A big group, or a small group doesn't matter to us, as we have spent many festive seasons alone, and we are not big party people. We lead a very different life to most and small talk about TV programs and such leaves us in an awkward dark, as we don't have or want a TV. I am sure that you can understand our dilemma.

All blessing to you guys and the family gathering.


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Can't live with it can't live meow it.

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@thebigsweed, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of papilloncharity


What a great idea getting retirees involved. Tapping in on their knowledge should prove to be very fruitful. Spending some of their time getting involved is a win for them also.

Heck with talking about tv shows. With all that you guys are doing, I could sit around for hours conversing with the both of you for days and be fascinated.

 6 months ago  

Thank you, and it is written that once one starts to walk with the wise, then one will become wise. So, just maybe the challenges could blow some new life into the old bones. !LOLZ

Now you remind me that Papillon was on all of the TV stations during our early years, as we needed financial support. A big mistake, as we were flooded by needy souls across the country with requests for help. Obviously, the TV producers got paid, but we did not receive a cent. I had to soon stop that avenue, but so one learns from the mistakes.
Pity that you guys are so far away, but at least we have a good friendship on here.

I hope that the weekend will be kind to you and Lady Robin.


That is such a shame. Insects play havoc over here and many many trees are under attack, especially from these invasive critters!

In situations like this, you would love to be able to head off this problem, but there are few signs that anything is going on before it's too late.

Ohhhhhh that marvelous and massive maple tree, TOPPLED - what a job - and what a gift the trees leave us even after the felling!
What a great tree!
May you all live to see the next mighty maple (or oak?) take its place.