Winners Of Show Me A Photo Contest Round 166 in Feathered Friends Community

in Feathered Friends25 days ago

Hello Feathered Friends Lovers,

Another week is over and it is time to announce the winners of Round 166 of #SMaP (Show Me a Photo) Contest in Feathered Friends Community

I like Free Theme as much as you do. Such a wonderful gallery of photos all of you presented, making my task of choosing the winners hard. I am grateful for the stories and information you put in your entries. The avian world will never stop to amaze me.

And now, the winners, but first let us see the collage of their photos.


And the winners of round 166 are:

in no particular order



The Duckling with the Dummy/Pacifier


New Bird for SMAP contest


A Guacharaca in a bad mood


Show Me a Photo Contest. Round 166. Free Theme.


Visit from a Pheasant coucal

Each winner will receive 2 Hive. Another generous donation from @barbara-orenya with Ecency points increased the reward pool and the winners will receive 600 Points each.

Check your wallet as well.

And there is more -the winners will receive 0,05 HP from our sponsor @sagarkothari88

Congratulations and hope to see your entries again.

I invite you to check the blogs of our sponsors and show them some love!

👇 Don't forget to check this week's theme👇


As usual any suggestions for next themes are always welcome.

All comments written on Feathered Friends, Shadow Hunters, Feel Good and Ladies of Hive Community posts receive staked ARCHON tokens.


banner created by @barbara-orenya

Thank you for viewing.

If you like to share your thoughts you can leave a comment.



Good afternoon dear friend @nelinoeva
I love the choice of the winning photographs of the week, my congratulations to all the winners
I wish you all a beautiful afternoon

Thank you very much for your kind comment.🙂

Thank you @nelinoeva. Well done everyone!

You are most welcome!🙂

Thanks for the mention and rewards! Looking forward to the next round!

You are welcome! 🙂

Thank you so much, really glad, best regards 🙋🙋🙋

Congrats! The entry photo is awesome.🙂

Hello @nelinoeva
How beautiful the photographs of the birds that won, my congratulations to all

Thank you, my dear. You are so sweet.🙂

Thank you very much, Neli! And congrats to all the winners :)

You are most welcome!🙂

Thank you, much appreciated! 🙂❤

Thank you for the prize 🙌 so many beautiful birds!!

nelinoeva, vcclothing sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

You are welcome! 🙂

Congratulations to all of the winners.