Magpie could not eat seeds

It's very cloudy today. Apparently we should expect new snow, although for two days it snowed constantly. I decided to go to the park before the snowfall and put new seeds in the feeder. A snowstorm may begin and it will be difficult to reach the feeder.

It's good that it arrived on time. All feeders were empty. Having poured seeds into the feeder, I decided not to walk a lot around a small forest.
There were few birds. Apparently they felt the approach of a snowstorm and began to hide.

But I got lucky. Not far away on a tree I saw a magpie. She kept spinning on a tree branch. Apparently she was hungry. She really wanted to get her beak to the seeds hanging on a branch.

But the branch on which the magpie sat was thin. The lower the magpie leaned to reach the seeds, the lower the branch leaned. The seeds also went down and the magpie could not get them.

When I got closer, the forty immediately raised her head and began to look at me. Perhaps she decided that she should fly away. But seeing that I stopped and did not move, she again began to try to get the seeds.

But again, she failed. The thin branch was bent and she could not reach the seeds with her beak. Magpie spun on a branch for a long time. But she didn't succeed. Gradually the wind picked up and it began to snow. The branch on which the magpie was sitting began to swing strongly. Magpie apparently realized that she would not be able to get seeds today. She looked around and, flapping her wings, flew deep into the park.


Hopefully she came back, and had supper from one of the feeders!

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Настойчивая. Знает ведь что из-за своего веса не получится, но все равно попробовала.

Видимо шибко кушать ей хотелось. Два дня сильная метель была и ветер.