Female power

in Feathered Friends2 months ago

It's more than fair, isn't it? Last week males had the spotlight, so in this week's SMAP, it's the ladies turn to shine!

Since I've focused on two common species on my last post, decided to present their female versions here! If you want to remember how the male looks like, here's the link to my previous post.


Common stonechat - Saxicola rubicola

Well, females tend to be a bit shy, so this one wasn't that keen on posing for the camera. But as soon as she saw I was friendly...



As you can see, they perch the same way males do, normally on top of branches, in an easy to spot position.


They have the same brown-reddish chest, but a brown head instead of black; the white collar around the neck is also not that apparent.



The day was really sunny, so it makes the white part of the neck even harder to see; but trust me, it is there. It's fairly common to find both sexes together or a short distance appart, so there's a good chance that if you spot one, you can see both sexes and compare.

Off to the next featured species:


Black redstart - Phoenicurus ochruros

See? Shy, I tell you!

But as the female stonechat, after a tiny bit of time, this one also decided to show me her colours a little better.


As you can see, several characteristics shared with the male: body size is the same, and the reddish tail and the small white patches on the wings are easy to spot; yet, in female's plummage the black is substituted by grey.


The behaviour is also similar, they do tend to move the body and wag their tail really fast for a short period, as males do.

Even though males have more vivid colours, they're both beauties, aren't they? 🙂


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Fun fact: In animal kingdom most females of non-hermaphroditic beings are larger in size!

Amazing photos, @pardinus! Did you get them with your bridge camera?

For sure I did! A gem, this little camera. ;) !BEER

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Lovely to see all the ladies, have their own unique beauty sometimes so very different to the males.


Females rock as well! :) Cheers! !BEER

Hey @joanstewart, here is a little bit of BEER from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

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Both beautiful I agree. The females are just a bit more subtle 🙂

Indeed they are. :)

Lovely ladies you have to pose for this round.😄
Near my office there are many Black redstarts. Usually I first hear them and then see.

Can relate, especially males are highly vocal around this part of the world too!

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Nice nice shots of these ladies


Hehe, the sure are! I so much love their poses. It's is beautiful, including their shy poses. Hehe. They did so well that they were not running off knowing someone is talking a picture. They are the truest models.

Yeah, I got lucky with these two.

That's super nice! Thanks for sharing ☺️.

The birds are naturally beautiful
I’m sure they were just posing for fun but never knew there was someone somewhere taking their pictures
They are cute

I'm pretty sure they spotted me!

What beautiful ladies you are showing on this occasion, dear friend @pardinus
I appreciate that you highlighted the things that differentiate ladies from gentlemen.
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid day.

Thanks for the visit.

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Thanks for the visit.

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