Walking with seagulls (visual story in 15 pics)

in Feathered Friends2 months ago (edited)

This post goes for 'Show me a photo (of a bird)' contest, round #162 (this week had free topic to cover), so I simply selected some pics from my recent travel to the Zelenogorsk seaside. We met some ducks, crows, and a lot of seagulls.



Seagulls in their natural habitat, in the tidal zone of the beach, can easily obtain food.


Large cobblestones are a favorite place to relax. "When I sit higher - I see better!" - thus, an enemy with a camera will not approach unnoticed.

Judging by the streaks of suspicious white substance decorating the landing platform / her observation deck... apparently, she has been sitting here for a long while :) or she is constantly visiting said spot, and this is not only an observation point but also a favorite place for rest and digestion, possibly for other seagulls as well :)
In fact, there are more than enough big rocks in the location to use for that, this one was no exclusive.


Look at that dreamy expression on the face!


Time for some preening.


This might be not very noticeable from my pics, but as we walked along the tidal strip, we made such an observation: here and there we saw pairs of seagulls; almost all the seagulls were teamed up in pairs!


...this made us think that seagulls might have their mating season right now - and the next thought was directed towards those seagulls who were flying or sitting alone, hehe... 🙃 some losers and rejected mates (so we assumed!) who haven't found a partner this season... well, maybe haven't found one yet   😎


And at the farthest point of our walk, on the cape, we stopped near a large flock of seagulls to use on them a wheat baguette that we especially obtained and kept for this purpose. The local branch of the bird bazaar was sitting on the stones and flying above ...


My 200mm telephoto lens difficulty was reaching these rocks, and the coastline became completely blurred, as you can see. (These captures were taken from the far end of the cape).


By this time the sun that blessed us at the start of the walk, had long since disappeared, it was getting colder and the wind was blowing fog, so I had the opportunity to photograph birds flying in the milky white air... I even tried to create a video, but I have to practice more (not very happy with results I got...)


This is one of the milk / monochromes series. Could easily fit with so many further prompts: monochrome, birds flying in air, sea birds, many birds. I guess would be a wise move to hoard some for the future publications, lol. I do not have much of this kind, and pretty rare shoot the birds in the air, just dont have much opportunity in my metropolis for that.


Hope you agree with me, these are very moody and mesmerizing, a good plot to create some artsy monochrome versions.


And let me finish with this one.


Looking at the cropped close-up version you can notice it was sort of a family scene! 😎 @wrestlingdesires let me alert you on this, maybe you would like to pick it up for another edition of your 'Let Our Picture Tell Your Story' challenge 🙏🙏🙏


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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Amazing photos! But in some cities you need to be careful with them. They are very smart birds, so they can use cunning and rob passers-by with food.😁

 2 months ago (edited) 

Are they even more smart than crows? curious.
What I see, sometimes, is their rivalry / fight with crows for trophies, for the territory. One seagull became smart enough to overseer over our yard and fly to the balconies (many neighbors told me, I’m definitely not the only one who witnessed and participated in this!) to beg food from the residents and collect tribute from the controlled territory. Yes, the seagulls have adapted well to the life in metropolis. I heard in Helsinki it is a serious crime to feed seagulls. Luckily, I don't live in Helsinki =)

Одна чайка научилась надзирать за нашим двором и прилетать на балконы (многие соседи мне рассказывали, я точно не единственный участник этого!) чтобы выпрашивать еду у жителей, собирать дань со своей территории. Да, чайки неплохо приспособились к жизни в городе. Я слышал, что в Хельсинки считается серьезным преступлением кормление чаек. К счастью, я живу не в Хельсинки =)

Thanks so much, I'll add it to the next edition 🙌

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

My pleasure! love to throw in my decent cents and pennies. 🙏


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Great pictures, especially the ones where you captured the seagulls flying in what looks like fog. Flying birds, not the easiest to capture.

It was fog, actually. I love that part of my photos on that day, they are artsy! For the flying birds (which still turned out blyrry) I should thank my 70-200mm Canon lens - it has a smart AI and fast focus. Thank you for walking with me, appreciate the compliments 😍😍😍 lets share a Hive !PIZZA 🍕🍕🍕

The result of your camera and your photography skills are very good these birds are looking very beautiful.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a compliment. 🙏 Seagulls is a good stuff to shoot, I mean they are not monotonous, and can deliver you a lot of intresting plots to capture -- in case you have equipped your camera with telephoto, smartphone will not be much help here. If you are curious, I used Canon 5d mark3 here, with 70-200mm lens - a great telephoto lens with fast and efficient autofocus, the only sufficient minus it is not cheap at all, and it is damn heavy. My best lens for doing #streetphoto. For #birding shoot it can give some results too, but 300 / 400mm would be a far better choice. Let me treat you with a Hive !BEER - have a great Sunday, my friend!

Thanks alot for sharing this great details with us.

Hey @djbravo, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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The shots are are ally great
I love the pictures of those birds…

Grazie Mille for the compliments, happy you enjoyed the visuals Rafzat. 🙏

Those are some great shots! You can tell they love those rocks, they make a great place to rest and protected from predators out there. You have a nice telephoto lens on there to get those close ups. Really nice!

In same way like crows - they love to take an overseer / dominating position, !LOLZ.
This was Canon 200mm 'L' series lens - a great telephoto lens with fast and efficient autofocus, the only sufficient minus it is not cheap at all, and it is damn heavy. My best lens for doing #streetphoto. For #birding shoot it can give some results too, but 300 / 400mm would be a better choice. Let me treat you with a Hive !BBER - have a great Sunday, my friend!

A blind man walks into a bar..
..and then a chair and then a table.

Credit: reddit
@thebighigg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of qwerrie



Great shots! The seagulls are so interesting to watch. Any kind of them can give you multiple opportunities for photo shooting.
Thank you very much for your wonderful post.🙂

Totally agree with you ☘️ I hope I will have more options to shoot them in this season, i mean going out of the city more often. But lets see!

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You got a good shot with a seagull right there🤗

This is a well done series! I have my Happy Hive Exploring Day it seems. LOL I missed the 7 days of this only some hours. While I'm happy to find another great photo contest here thanks to you participating.

Happy Hive Exploring Day?.. hmmm, not sure what are you talking about. (Might be some initiative to bring in quality posts for extra curation?.. ) anyway, you are always welcome if you are hungry for visuals and !PIZZA ☘️ ☘️ 😎

Haha, no, that was just the spontaneous name for a day on which I've already discovered more than I actually wanted to invest time in and you can see that in the number of comments I've made. While I'm happy to be here on Hive and not on Web 2.x

Thanks for the slice of, It's been a long time that I had !PIZZA, while I've been into !LOLZ some time ago and forgot about it. While !invest_vote by @investintthefutur still is silent. ( @cervisia I again hope you are well!!)

thx i'm fine , currently unfortunately am under stress.

Happy to see you kickin'


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What did the Golden Gate bridge say to the Golden Gate river when they broke up?
I'm over you.

Credit: reddit
@qwerrie, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of anli

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@cervisia denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@cervisia thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Wonderful photos that together with what you are telling us made me long to be in a place like this. querer

Thank you and greetings @qwerrie

Hey @qwerrie, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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