Feathered Friday - Pairing Up

in Feathered Friends2 months ago

Here are some of this week's sightings for this #featheredfriday

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The Canadian Geese are pairing up around here now. I think this one might want to nest right next the lake here.

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I hope they pick a better spot to lay the eggs as this is a well traveled path. These birds can be a bit dumb when it comes to nest placement.

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The red-wings have almost all staked a claim for territory as well. Perhaps the females are already building nests below in the reeds.

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The males are super bold and brash. You can get really close to them and I got too close with my zoom lens and the face blurred out lol. Once the babies are out this guy will be attacking the lens.

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Robins are getting brighter and should be starting to pair up and build nests too.

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These guys are always making nests. A pair tried to make one on my balcony but I had to shoo them away as they would make piles of poop everywhere.

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I'm seeing the sparrows going crazy too. This one was sitting nicely but right as I clicked the shot it took off.

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Meanwhile in the lake the turtles are stacking themselves. They are like a fractal pattern and need to line up smallest to largest to catch rays of sun.

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The pattern of turtles on this mess of branches is a bit more chaotic. Eventually I hope to see a monster of a snapper sitting out here.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Goose has brilliant contrasting plumage in ripple effect, lovely outing seeing the variety on offer in your region.

These guys are the most common birds in my area. Some fancier ones should be showing up soon like orioles and ruby throated grossbeaks. The common ones are still fun to observe especially the baby goslings.

Birds always stunning, able to see them most places you go, those turtles now that is a bonus capturing them on the log together!

I did end up seeing a huge snapping turtle the next day but didn't bring my zoom lens. Those things look like dinosaurs.

Always excited to see turtles and tortoise not something we see often although they are out there....

birds can be a bit dumb when it comes to nest placement

I think this applies to a lot of birds. Sometimes doves around here will just lay eggs on top of a stump. Robins are also famous for quickly thrown together nests where ever they can. Or maybe I just don't like Robin's choices lol I chase them away from the house alot 🙄

In my old apartment the robins placed their nest right above the door to the community laundry room. They were always annoyed at you for walking under them to do laundry. I have a photo somewhere of a silly Canadian goose with a nest right next to the entrance of a self serve car wash. They managed to actually hatch and move the goslings successfully without being run over.