AMAZING silent fliers ! 😱 Why and how? (along with interesting flight shots of course!!πŸ˜€)

in Feathered Friends β€’ 7 months ago

β€œI'm not shy, I'm just quietly plotting world domination.” πŸ˜€

This is what Owls seem to be saying when they fly. They are SOOOOOOOO silent!

Typically, when birds fly, we can hear their flap flap or swishing of wings. Some birds are so noisy when they fly that we can hear a flock flying half a mile away. Not owls. I swear that an owl passed 6 feet above me and landed on a nearby branch but I could not hear a single swish!

Therefore, taking advantage of the free theme contest announced by @nelinoeva for the #SMAP contest, I decided to share my pics of owls flying.

They are a varied and colorful lot as you can see from the collage I made below:

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I was quite a bit curious to find out how owls flew so silently whereas other birds make so much wing noise as they fly.

The silence of owls flight is attributed to following two features (among others) which have evolved in owls as they developed as a nocturnal hunting species:

  • Owls have large wings compared to their body mass. This allows them to glide easily instead of flapping their wings as they swoop down on their prey

  • Owls have a comb like serrated structure in their feathers. As stated n this article and illustrated below.

Source credit: this article

Now that we have understood the reason behind the silent flight of owls, let us focus on enjoying the beauty of their flight through my clicks below.

A spotted owlet: Flying through the jungle with an intense gaze and focus

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Spotted owlet flying : Displaying it's large wings...

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Mottled wood owl flying in Rain

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Spotted owlet looking surprised at night as it almost ran into me head on

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Mottled wood owl silhouette in the evening light

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Spotted owlet flying an obstacle course through palm fronds (my entry for #SMaP 141)

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My entry for #SMaP 141

The above image is one of my favorite images of a spotted owlet flying. I just love the stern expression, looking very focused as it maneuvers through the gaps in the palm fronds. I had intentionally kept the shutter speed just a bit low to get the wings to blur a bit to get a sense of motion in the picture while the face of the owl remained sharp in focus...

Please feel free to comment and let me know your views. Also - please let me know if you liked the clicks.

A big thank you for support

Thanks to c/hive-106444 (Feathered friends community) for providing this wonderful opportunity to present my experience and photographs. Thanks to @barbara-orenya and @melinda010100 for all the support and encouragement to this community. Special thanks to @nelinoeva also for the wonderful contest and Author of the week initiatives.

Thanks to HIVE for this wonderful platform. Thanks also to @adalger and for encouraging me by recognizing some of my posts as worthy of Densifying nature project.
Further, thanks to Amazing nature community for welcoming me and showing me their love on some of my posts.

Note: All images and collages in this blog are created by me, based on photos clicked by me personally and/or free vector images from Pixabay. Any other sources, if used, are indicated as image credits below the picture.
Quotes used, if not credited, are either from unknown authors or are proverbial old sayings.

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These photos are unbelievable. I have only seen an owl a handful of times and it's always very exciting.

I'm not sure how you were able to shoot these photos being that #1 they are in flight, #2 you captured them in the dark, and #3 like you stated they don't make a sound when flying. Thanks to this splendid post I've learned something new today, which is ALWAYS a good thing.

Have a great day and if you see any owls please send them my way. 😁

@thebigsweed Glad you liked the photos. I have been lucky to find some spots where owls roosted. Waiting with patience near those spots around sunrise and sunset increased my chances to spot them. This way, I could also get some shots of them in daylight, although the light is always very low under those circumstances.

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I didn't like the photos, I loved them.

I love birds and it would not be easy to say which is my favourite, but owls have a special place in my heart. Flying owls - you nailed it. Your photos are always excellent.
It was interesting to learn something new about them. Silent they are, but I was fortunate to hear the baby owls this summer.
Thank you very much for your lovely post! πŸ™‚

Thank you so much. Glad to see you love seeing owls too. I have not had the luck to see baby owls. πŸ˜€

singature small avatar.png

I was extremely lucky to watch two baby owls grow in our park. I never thought I could see the whole family at day time for over a month.
When walking at night we could hear the babies, but got no chance to see flying parents, let alone to photograph.

You took perfect pictures of the owl
The look very good
Nice one!

Wow, these images are fantastic!!

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