A Quiet Birthday Celebration With Family

in Family & Friends2 months ago (edited)

When my 40th birthday rolled around, in 1987, I made sure to be out of town. Somehow I felt that if I was traveling, the birthday wouldn't count. How silly I was. This week I turned 77. I'm not running from it.

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A Birthday Present From My Daughter

That week, 37 years ago, when I turned 40, I collected my 10-year-old daughter and 6-year-old nephew. The three of us went to Disney World. This was definitely a denial of age.

This week, I stayed peacefully at home, and my family came to me, though I tell them every year not to pay attention to my birthday.

The family 'celebration' began quietly, with birthday decorations wrapped around the stair banister.

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Then my children decorated the night table, next to my bed.

And even the door to my closet received attention:

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Everywhere I turned there was a quiet gesture, a reminder that it was a special day.

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Artificial flowers on the laundry hamper

As soon as my daughter got home from work we went on a little expedition to one of my favorite places, Sagamore Hill. This was the home of Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States.

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Roosevelt's House in Oyster Bay Cove, New York

It's a modest house, for a president. The property was maintained by a staff when the President was alive, but Roosevelt did a lot of the work. Roosevelt's goal was to make his property self-sustaining. With 6 children that was not entirely possible. The windmill on the property was used for pumping water to the house.

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There is a story posted by the windmill. It says that Roosevelt climbed up to fix something. One of the blades sliced his scalp. He climbed down and went into the house. His wife complained, "You're bleeding all over the rug."

Teddy, as he was called, liked to do things for himself.

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This was the chicken house on the property.

One of the reasons I love Sagamore Hill is because it reminds me of the area where I grew up. This picture of trees, for example, could have been taken from my backyard.

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At first glance, that's the way it looks, anyway. But, if you look closer you will see water through the trees. That's a glimpse of Oyster Bay. A chief charm of Roosevelt's house is that a not-very-long-walk will take one right down to the edge of the bay.

Walking is one of the things visitors are invited to do at Sagamore Hill. Signs lead one to hiking trails.

nature trail with tick sign sagamore.png

One of the reasons to visit Sagamore, even off season (most people go in spring and summer), is the experience of nature. A bird, for example, that was perched next to the windmill, regaled us with song.
bird singing by windmill sagamore.png

And then there was the lone flower that blossomed among decaying leaves.

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We left Sagamore as daylight receded and the place became deserted. When we got home, my daughter cooked dinner, stuffed salmon.

My husband and I watched a movie together, and he gave me his present--money. It's a joke between us that he gives me money so I can save it up and buy little things for my kids and granddaughter.

Before the day was done, I received my final birthday wishes from my son. A birthday cake, a balloon and a pair of slippers.

The slippers are on my feet right now.


And the balloon is next to my cactus plant.

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My 77th birthday may not have been everyone's idea of a great celebration, but for me it was perfect. I was surrounded by family and love.

Thank you for sharing my blog. I wish everyone days filled with love, peace and health.

All pictures were taken by me, with my coolpix B500 camera.

I discovered this community when I read a beautiful blog by @mballesteros this week. Thank you my friend!


Being surrounded by family and love is a PERFECT way to celebrate your birthday!

These pictures are beautiful. I'm glad that everyone went all out to make the day special for you and with meaningful gifts too! I love the slippers. 😍


Hello my young friend, @kemmyb

I love the birthday gif. And I do love my fluffy, cushy slippers.😄

Thank you very much for the warm wishes.

Happy Belated Birthday @agmoore San!!!!

77 and still rocking it!!😂😂😂

My birthday is next week..

Knocking into the last year of my teens...
Didn't even have a major rebellious stage...
Teenage years wasted 😭😭😂😂😂

I just your tip!!!You are such a sweet young man. Thank you for the 'present'. Just ready to go to sleep and I see this generous gift. Thank you.

Teenage years wasted


On the contrary. If you grow as much in your twenties as you have in your early youth, we'll be reading about your accomplishments in the newspapers someday (Of course, I won't be here 🤣). I have great hopes for you, my friend.

I don't plan to grow so much though...

I hope that if I do reach your age I plan to be pretty much senile 😂😂😂

I admire them senile old men so much for they have so much fun😂😂😂✨

I hope you had a great birthday and wish you lots of health and happiness 🍀

Wonderful to see you here, @zuerich. I appreciate your kind wishes. It makes the birthday better😇

Am 14. November 1824 verschenkte Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy eine Symphonie an seine Schwester zu ihrem Geburtstag. So empfinde ich stets jede kleine Aufmerksamkeit als schön, die bezeugt, dass jemand an mich denkt.
So deine Familie!

On 14 November 1824, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy gifted a symphony to his sister for her birthday. I always appreciate every little gift that shows that someone is thinking of me.
So your family to you!

Thank you @w74. Not only was the symphonie enjoyable, but I got to listen to the German voice over. I spent years studying German in school. I'm afraid my comprehension is not too good any more (never really was that good), but I do enjoy listening and trying to decipher what I can.

I appreciate your visit, your wishes and the music.

Have a great weekend.

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

Hey @w74, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Happy birthday 🎂 🎈

Thank you!! And Happy Easter to the family.🌷🌈🌺

Happy birthday! A great day to spend with family and have this little guy impress you with that fancy plumage


Isn't he beautiful? And what a song he sang.

Thank you for the good wishes, @litguru 🌺

Happy birthday! Seems I have to call you Mommy? ✌️I am still 30 y o,

Even without cake but everything seems perfect also for me. Hope you always be blessed with healthy and healthy family around you as well ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you for the good wishes!

You can call me Mommy, or maybe even Grandma😇 You're not that much older than my granddaughter (she's 19).

It was a perfect day. Thanks for reading and commenting 🌺

Happy Birthday my dear friend !!!!🥳
I see you were very spoiled on your day, that's the best thing about having family around.
One of my Spanish friends is your age, by the way she also turned 77 a week ago.
I'm glad you enjoyed discovering a new community, welcome!
I hope you continue to receive blessings on your special day and all the days of your life! Cheers my friend! 🥂

Hello friend!
Thanks for the kind wishes. I was spoiled, and very fortunate. I expect nothing, and am grateful for everything I receive. Life, family, time--all precious.

It feels good to have my Hive family also wish me well. I am blessed. Have a peaceful, restful weekend (Happy Easter?)

I tell them every year not to pay attention to my birthday.

And every year they do the opposite. I'd try a bit of reverse psychology next year if I were you.:)

And congratulations on your birthday, best mum ever!

I'd try a bit of reverse psychology next year if I were you.:)


best mum ever

I think my kids are suffering from amnesia.

Thanks for the congratulations. With my severe myopia, 77 looks OK.😄

Sounds like a wonderful birthday, to me. Have a great weekend!

Hello @omra-sky,

Thank you! It was a wonderful birthday. I hope you have a most wonderful spring weekend.🌷

Thank you for lending out this story, a pleasurable reading. I was absolutely not in the know of this stuff about Roosevelt. (Such a big contrast to Mr. Stalin - I've read recently how much folks were engaged in keeping him and his multiple residences safe and sound)... ☘️☘️☘️
Oh, and happy birthday! wish you being well and healthy more and more on! 🙏

Hello @qwerrie,
I'm so glad you enjoyed the information about Roosevelt, and thank you for the birthday wishes!

It's ironic that you mention Stalin and his concern about safety. Roosevelt himself became president after President William McKinley was assassinated. Roosevelt was the vice president.

There's another story about Roosevelt posted at Sagamore Hill. One of the staff who lived in a house on the grounds told Mrs. Truman that a tree in front of the staff's house was getting too large. Mrs. Truman said she would have it taken care of. Roosevelt himself, while president, chopped down the tree.😄

Outstanding person! American nation can be proud of such a leader... ☘️ I wish we had the same...

Bith day is great fun. Happy birthday to you.

Disney world is one place that kids have always loved to go
I’d love to visit there someday
I’m glad you had a wonderful birthday celebration

First happy birthday to you and may you live long. Ameen. Life can never be lived alone, it's good that you three are living a good life together.

Happy birthday and love the balloons.