Celebrating Mother's Day : Showing Gratitude to our Role Models.

in Family & Friendslast month

Happy Mother's Day Mum.

It's another special day where we celebrate our mothers showing appreciation and gratitude for their sacrifices, selfless love and support shown to us either biological or every other family member that has played a motherly role in our lives. Happy Mothers Day to my mother and to everyone that has played a motherly role in my life to make it better to what it has become today. My life is a product of mothers that have taken the pains to groom me and shaped the existence of the very life I am living now.


My Mother has played a great role in raising me to the woman I am becoming. She has deliberately impacted values and Good morals in me. She has been a good support system and has sacrificed alot for me to make me a better person in life. When we lost our father, mum was still very young to have remarried but I saw a woman that despite what was meted out to her she still decided to stay for her children in order to train them and make them better people. I draw strength from her. Each time I reflect on the love, the kindness and compassion she had for her children it hits me hard and a message passed across to me to do better for my children when I finally have them.


Mothers are the best motivator, Teachers and managers. They motivate you about life, they teach you everything even from a tender age, impacting your life with great Values and morals thereby preparing us for the future ahead filled with life's challenges. They serve as powerful role models for their children, shaping their attitudes, values, and behaviors through their actions and words, mothers teach important life lessons such as kindness, empathy, resilience, and responsibility. Children often look up to their mothers as examples of how to navigate the world and interact with others.


Mothers provide physical care and nourishment to their children. This includes tasks such as feeding, bathing, dressing, and ensuring their overall well-being. Mothers often prioritize the needs of their children above their own, sacrificing their time and energy to ensure their children are healthy and happy. They manage the family which involves task such as meal planning, cleaning, organizing, and budgeting. They juggle multiple responsibilities and often act as the glue that holds the family together accommodating everyone and making sure the home experiences peace, unity, making sure everyones needs are met and the household runs smoothly. Mothers play a crucial role in providing emotional support and guidance to their children. They are often the ones who offer comfort, encouragement, and reassurance during times of distress or uncertainty. Mothers create a sense of security and stability for their children by being a constant source of love and understanding.

I will not fail to also appreciate every other person my father, uncles, Aunties, friends, siblings, Teachers and mentors who have also nurtured, guided, showed kindness, and played one role or the other in my life contributing immensely to my growth and development. They have all played vital roles in shaping my life and contributed to my growth and their support has enriched my life greatly.

My Mother and I

As we celebrate mothers today, let us cherish the sacrifices mothers have made to shape our lives, express gratitude and show Appreciation for the great impacts in our lives, and also celebrate them at all times not just on specific day set aside for mothers day celebration but on random days take out time celebrate her, on her birthdays, every opportunity you have create an amazing and a lasting memory in her life.

Happy Mother's Day to all Amazing mothers.
We celebrate and Love you.

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