Some Friendships Are Worth Saving

in Family & Friendslast month


How did you grow up? What does family mean to you and me? Well, there are a lot of people who think that a family consist of only your biological parents and your siblings. I can’t say this idea I a wrong one but then I think it shouldn’t be. Some people are not with their biological family but in others, they have received the best kind of love they could ever get.

Family can come in different shapes or forms depending on where you are in life. Some friends show up with a clean heart and are always there more than any of your family members. These friends will stand by you through darkness and light and will hold your hand in any situation in which you find yourself in this life.

In this lifetime I’ve encountered such a friend before. With this type of friend it didn’t matter what type of situation you found yourself in, he was always there to rescue you or be there when you needed him the most.

In this day and age, people seem to take a lot of things for granted. We are in a world where everyone thinks whoever can be replaced, I sometimes find this idea to be bizarre cause to me not everyone can be replaced especially if you are in the wrong. In some cases, it’s just a trivial matter which can be solved with a simple sorry but then both parties especially the one who is in the wrong find it hard to apologise to the one he has wronged and this goes on for a few days and then both parties become comfortable with where they are.

Recently a friend of mine approached me about a situation at work. Now, she’s a cleaner where I am doing my service right now and from the look of things, she’s very free with one of the contract staff. After work one day, she and a colleague of hers spoke behind the man’s back and unfortunately for her, the man's tribe mate was in the car. Now, the one who confided in me wasn’t in the wrong cause she didn’t make a bad comment but she was only listening. After this incident, the man confronted her and asked her what was said behind his back, as a friend she didn’t want to talk about it and ended up exposing her friend so she said nothing was said.


So in this case they realised someone had gone to tell the man, and instead of letting go of the matter they threatened whoever went to report them to the man in the car and she again went to snitch on them. This time round the man was mad at her cause he asked her to share only for her to go and do that. The man stopped talking to her and she became really worried.

So she asked me for advice. This was what I had to say about the matter.

I first of all blamed her for all that happened. Yes, I understand that it might have been a harmless conversation the first time but she shouldn’t have gone ahead with her friend to threaten the one who reported her since she reported them the first time.

So after this, I told her to approach the man and ask to speak to him in private. I asked her to apologise to him and then tell him the reason why she couldn’t tell him the first time. She should tell him she didn’t want to be the one who would be tagged as a snitch in their group which was why he decided to be silent about the matter. I also asked her to seek for his forgiveness.

I said all this cause they had a good thing going on. With the way the man was free with her, I was even envious of their friendship so I just had to make sure they were back to being normal again.

At times we take certain friendships for granted and at the end of the day we end up regretting it. What this friendship needed was just a 2-minute conversation with one party saying she was sorry and they were fine again.

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