90 Dias de Reto, Resultados maravillosos // 90 Day Challenge, Wonderful Results.

in Reto-Morphosis Hivelast year (edited)


Hola Hivers, feliz de compartir con ustedes mis logros en estos maravillosos 90 días en el Reto-Morphosis, por razones personales no pude postear mis avances de 75 días, pero no quería dejar de compartir estos 90 días, con los cuales finalizo este reto, que sin duda alguna ya fue instalado como hábitos en mi nuevo estilo de vida.

Hi Hivers, happy to share with you my achievements in these wonderful 90 days in this Morphosis-Challenge, for personal reasons I could not post my progress of 75 days, but I did not want to stop sharing these 90 days, with which I finish this challenge, which undoubtedly was already installed as habits in my new lifestyle.

Este periodo lo puedo describir como tiempo de aprendizaje constante; aprendí a escuchar mi cuerpo, a nutrirme de manera más consiente, a ser más disciplinada, a ser mi propia entrenadora y a mantenerme auto motivada, con todo esto se fue gestando una mejor versión de mí, no solo físicamente sino también en conciencia.

I can describe this period as a time of constant learning; I learned to listen to my body, to nourish myself in a more conscious way, to be more disciplined, to be my own trainer and to keep myself self-motivated, with all this a better version of me was developing, not only physically but also in consciousness.


Ahora les mostraré mi transformación, con respecto a mi peso, el día 1 inicie con 61,2 kg y 90 días después mi peso es de 56,30 kg, alcance disminuir 4.9 kg, para mí son resultados geniales, mi propuesta al comenzar el reto era llegar a 55 kg, sin embargo me gusta cómo me veo, sé que he perdido bastante grasa y a su vez he tonificado masa muscular.

Now I will show you my transformation, regarding my weight, on day 1 I started with 61.2 kg and 90 days later my weight is 56.30 kg, I managed to decrease 4.9 kg, for me these are great results, my proposal at the beginning of the challenge was to reach 55 kg, however I like how I look, I know I have lost a lot of fat and at the same time I have toned muscle mass.


Cuando inicie este reto, la circunferencia de mi abdomen era de 84 cm y hoy es de 76 cm, logré disminuir 8 cm, y la medida de mi muñeca era de 16 cm y ahora es de 15 cm.

When I started this challenge, the circumference of my abdomen was 84 cm and today it is 76 cm, I managed to decrease 8 cm, and my wrist measurement was 16 cm and now it is 15 cm.



Les comento que al momento de vaciar los nuevos parámetros en la calculadora de la zona, los resultados me indicaron que mi índice de masa corporal es NORMAL, yo salte de emoción, me siento satisfecha y feliz por ese resultado, esto me motiva a seguir cuidando de mi cuerpo.

I tell you that at the time of emptying the new parameters in the calculator of the area, the results indicated that my body mass index is NORMAL, I jumped with excitement, I feel satisfied and happy for that result, this motivates me to continue taking care of my body.



Captura 3.PNG

Pueden observar en las siguientes fotos, la transformación desde el día 1 hasta el día 90.

You can see in the following photos, the transformation from day 1 to day 90.




Mis logros son muchos, que se traducen en la transformación de mi cuerpo, después de 90 días elijo continuar con este estilo de vida adquirido: mis ejercicios físicos, mi alimentación consciente, los ayunos intermitentes y sobre todo el equilibrio y disfrute de mi día.

My achievements are many, which translate into the transformation of my body, after 90 days I choose to continue with this acquired lifestyle: my physical exercises, my conscious eating, intermittent fasting and above all the balance and enjoyment of my day.

Me despido agradecida infinitamente con @edmundochauran y @eddiespino por esta propuesta de transformación acompañada de los hivers participantes y en general de toda la comunidad de Hive.

I say goodbye infinitely grateful to @edmundochauran and @eddiespino for this transformation proposal accompanied by the participating hivers and in general the entire Hive community.

Mi participación.jpg

  • Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular POCO X3
  • Las fotos fueron editas en Canva
  • Traducido con www.DeepL.com/Translator (versión gratuita)
  • The photos were taken with my POCO X3 cell phone.
  • The photos were edited in Canva
  • Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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This is just amazing. I am so proud of you. Your before and after pictures proves you really took this challenge very serious.

When you do your intermittent fasting, how many hours did you go without food? Did you drink water or any liquid in between? Did you not feel hungry? How many times did you eat in the day? What sort of food did you eat?

Hi @iskawrites thank you for your beautiful message.
I tell you, I currently start my fast at 6 pm until 12 noon the next day, which gives me a window of 18 hours, but when I started I was doing it progressively with 14 hours and then I was increasing them. I fast intermittently, for example there are days that I decide to have breakfast earlier depending on my logistics of the day. An important element is the intake of water and tea, they help me to maintain the window I have chosen for the day. I prepare ginger tea, lemongrass, chamomile, and so I alternate them. Didn't you feel hungry? Yes, especially the first few days the mind plays hahaha to the feeling of hunger but something that worked for me was to educate myself about the health benefits of fasting and that allows me to maintain focus, I have observed myself and I have noticed that the feeling of hunger is more mental activated by a need for survival,
How many times did you eat during the day?
At the beginning of the meal window I allow myself to eat several times, in reasonable portions, I just try to take care of the quality of what I eat.
What type of food did you eat?
At the beginning, I was fasting and when I opened the window I was eating full of carbohydrates, sugar, there was no awareness of what I was eating, and I realized that it was not so effective, so I decided to redesign my plan and now I try to have portions of raw salads, proteins and as little as possible of processed carbohydrates, I decreased the intake of processed sugars, and really the gift has been great not only physically but also energetically, I feel much more vitality.
In addition to this, in the mornings I am doing half an hour of cardio plus half an hour of muscular exercises.
I am happy with the results, but keep in mind that the plan, the fasting window, the exercises, the food, must be adapted to the needs and personal requirements of each person. You have to determine your goal and allow yourself the flexibility to reach it, and combine it with elements such as self-motivation, discipline and enjoyment of the process.

Thanks so much for explaining. I'll save this reply.

Cos most times when I am practicing my intermittent fasting, there are days that I can't hold in the hunger, I usually run off to the pot of food .. lol

Now, I know I have to include tea to help me stay off food.

I do eat lots of proteins too, sometimes it helps to keep hunger away, but any day I engage in lots of activities on my phone, I tend to get really hungry easily.

I am trying as much as I can to understand my body so I can work with her and keep my fitness goals.

Thanks again.

Hola amiga @yerf2712,
Haber perdido 4,9 kg y 8 cm en las medidas del área abdominal son muy buenas noticias. Me parece muy acertada tu decisión de quedarte con ese peso por sentirte bien con lo que habías alcanzado, es decir, ya no era necesario seguir bajando.

Los hábitos alimenticios y el ejercicio, te han fortalecido y es una gran ganancia. Por eso te felicito.


Gracias @ksmith7 , gracias por ser parte de esta experiencia en el reto, por siempre estar pendiente y alentarme con tus felicitaciones, por tambien postear tus vivencias, gracias hay continuar orientados en cuidarnos. 😀😊

Me encanta como te ves, luces increíble. Te felicito por la constancia y por echarle ganas a tu transformación.

Un abrazo @yerf2712 💫🌻🌞🌟🤗🙏🏻🙏🏻

Gracias @indumukhi , gracias por seguir mi transformación y oor tus felicitaciones, aqui todos hemos ganado en este maravilloso reto. 😍

Lo importante aunque no publicaste los resultados de tus 75 días es que continuaste, aprendiste como cada uno de lo que estuvimos en el a escuchar nuestro cuerpo, apreciarlo y cuidarlo de mejor manera, con una alimentación más sana y balanceada y ejercitándolo, que esta nueva rutina continúe aún después de los 90 días. éxito y bendiciones 🙌🏽🙏🏽🚶🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🧘🏽‍♂️🏋🏽‍♂️💪🏽👍🏽💯🎄