Diary of a Fluffy Rican: Truly living? Who knows?

Can you imagine being Forty years old, and still trying to understand what it means to live. To live is really a simple concept, yet being human means having the ability to complicate even the simplest of things.


I worked in Bristol, RI for over a decade, and yet I doubt if I've ever gone to it's yearly carnival for anything other then a delivery.


It's been a year and some days, since I quit my job in Bristol. I'd worked for that company for over 17 years. It's been an adventure to say the least.


Not only did I attend the carnival this year, I actually went there multiple times. Once with a friend and her daughter, and then later on with my niece and nephew. It sounds silly, but I'm glad I was able to.


"It's the simple things in life." I've heard and said that phrase countless times in my life, and still I I can appreciate the idea it conveys.


I like to think of myself as being layed back, and yet I'm a pro at over complicating things.


Is "Living" really that difficult? Is it not a simple concept?


Looking back there are a few things in my life, that I'm glad I continued to work on. I might've of forgotten about them from time to time, but I remembered them just enough times to have it make a difference.


I'm thinking that it's the same with wanting to truly live. If I can just remind myself of that desire enough times. Maybe set aside, just enough time to reflect and refine what that means to me. A simple choice made here. A harder decision made there. If I could just do this enough times this year. Then maybe I'll get to look back next year, and reflect on my progress.


Who knows? With enough progress, I'll be able to look back while smiling at the life I lived. Who knows.


Can you imagine being Forty years old, and still trying to understand what it means to live.

Yep and be assured, even in your fifties that will not really change. I'm still looking out to when "adult hood" arrives, so i can kick it in the arse... 😁

Give it a good kick for me too lol. !LUV

Sure and then i'll send it over to Bristol so you can finish it off...😎

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