Thoughtful Thursday Curation Compilation #9

By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.

We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

Thoughtful.jpgImage provided by @grindan, edited on Canva

The Cure is in the Disease! - Dreem-WotW S3 R6 by @samsmith1971

This month we have something completely different for you! ! You have 4 days to write for the prompt BUT you can respond to the prompt however you choose, provided the focus is on the written element of your post. So give one of these options a whirl: Fiction, Creative Non Fiction, Poetry, or Discursive Essay. I wonder how many people watched Dawson's Creek back in the Day?

Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1261) by @jacobpeacock

Hello Everyone! Another day of rest, The leg is healing, The shed dilemma & A lack of flat terrain! Alright, I am running about six minutes behind schedule with my writing routine this evening. I probably could have kept procrastinating for even longer... but decided to just dive in instead

Mi Diario: 28 abril 2024 // My Diary: April 28 2024 by @palomap3

Hola, querido hiver. Tomé la foto de la portada durante el viaje de regreso a casa, ese manto de nubes pedía a gritos ser inmortalizado como un colofón bonito para unos días especiales. Llegar a casa tras unas vacaciones supone deshacer maletas, poner lavadoras y reubicarse en lo cotidiano. En eso estoy. Mañana comenzaré a responder a las menciones y comentarios pendientes, aunque soy poco importante y no son cientos, jajaja

Where to, exactly? by @honeydue

A friend of mine recently started her first job. Since then, talking to her during the week, I've sometimes felt this guilty feeling come over me. Today, for instance. While she doesn't do anything to encourage this, I couldn't help noting that she comes home exhausted, while I spend most days sort of... lounging about

The Sun is Out | A Sleepless Stormy Night and A Half Mast Flown Flag by @arrliinn

At it again. Only two weeks ago, on April 16, 2024, we had a big storm that hit the UAE and brought about about massive destruction to properties and crippled businesses. The country experienced the heaviest rainfall in 75 years, receiving amount of rain equivalent to 1.5 years in just 24 hours. Photos show heavy rain and severe flooding in the United Arab Emirates Amazingly, the government was quick at putting the action and the major streets were back to normal in just a matter of few days. How UAE Restored Normality After April 16 Rains Yesterday, May 1st, there was a warning of unstable weather again

This, too, shall pass! by @pinkchic

Whenever I feel sad, I always go back to the beautiful moments I have captured which gives me hope. As I scrolled down my photos, I saw this moment back then when I witnessed a picturesque beach scene with my name written on the sand. The way I looked at it back then as I wrote my name on the sand was mixed with a feeling of excitement as I wanted to capture the magnificent sky with the puffy clouds and the light of the Sun going down the beautiful horizon. This moment was so priceless and never did I thought that my view of the moment was changed at an angle full of emotions that I wanted to pour out. Yes, it was a serene moment, but tiny raindrops fell like how the tears fell in my eyes as I experienced the challenges of life

What happens when your rights are violated? by @ibbtammy

They call it Human Rights, they say these rights belong to us because we are humans, they say these rights cannot be taken from us, they say violation of Human rights is punishable by law and the tons of theories and rules backing the Fundamental Human Right but how come people who violate people’s rights every day walk freely without been punished for their crimes? How come Human right are seen as trash to some people? Are human rights meant for only a few people? There were times when as a human being my rights were violated, there were times I fought back and things changed and there were times when I fought back and nothing changed. Worthy of note was the incident that occurred a few weeks ago

The path never found by @rosmiapure

I am imagining an endless number of things, all as a result of what I am going through at the moment. Many times I stop to think about how I would like to have the capacity of thinking or reasoning that I have now; perhaps that would have saved me a lot of time in several things. I also think infinitely about how I would have liked a different upbringing, and I am not talking about what they could have given me materially, but what they could have demanded from me at an academic level. Even so, I will never stop being thankful for what I consider myself to be, because I don't know. I often wonder if I am the only one who has not yet found the path I long for

To those doing honest work... Happy Labour Day. by @kenechukwu97

I've always known that Labour Day is one of those celebrated days out there but it has never been something I keep tabs on. I don't look forward to it coming and there has never been a moment in my working life when someone said "Happy Labour Day" to me... Except today. Haha. Maybe it's because I've been edging towards this "work for yourself and work from home" life where we basically work round the clock if it so pleases us

Diary of An Eleventh-Hour Bookie by @jhymi

I think the problem with being born smart is the security in the constant wins. The security builds confidence and that confidence slowly creeps into being over confidence till you find yourself teetering towards academic ruin. Would you make it over the edge of the cliff in time or would it already be too late? From the beginning, my Dad would call me by the family name, saying that in this family, no one was anything but incredibly intelligent. It was a trait that had been upheld for generations and so, his daughters must be the same

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Thank you for checking out our Thoughtful Thursday Curation Compilation! We hope you will take the time to visit some of the authors highlighted here to spread the love!


Did you know that we are paying out a share of our curation rewards to delegators daily thanks to @hivediscomod created by @yaziris? If you would like to help us boost TDP power, as well as earn some rewards in the process, delegations to @thoughtfulposts are greatly appreciated! 🤗✨


Thanks a ton for the mention! ❤️

Thank you for the mention and support. It’s a pleasure to think in this community. 😁❤️🤗