My Introductory Post To Hive Blockchain

in Introduce Yourself5 months ago

Hello hive!

I am Liasu musefiu oluwayemisi the second child of the family with an elder brother and two younger female siblings. We hail from Ondo city where the 2'0 clock tribal mark is our means of identification but eventually i don't have that on my face. I will be turning 25 this April. So glad to be on this platform to learn, and share knowledge in diverse areas of life. I love listening to music, travelling, researching, and meeting people. Later in my service year, I added reading to my hobbies.

My mum always tells me I was smart in my elementary school but, how could I tell then when all I wanted to do was to go to school and return home to watch kiddies and cartoon shows on the local television station. It was 2009 around late September when I gained admission into a federal secondary school in the city. Life as a newbie in the junior secondary school changed when I meet a lot of friends who changed the good story my mum always told me about myself. we would skip classes and run to the playground to have some fun. Sometimes we would get caught by our teachers and serve the punishment attached to our violation. I wasn't consistent with study anymore this reflected in my report at the end of the first term. My parents realized that my educational career has been thrown into jeopardy. To cut the long story short, when I took my report home at the end of the session, it was more of red than blue, and I received the beating I deserved from my mother. The next session, I was thrown into a private school where I could no longer be free except break time.

Six years in secondary came to an end in 2015 when we had to prepare for our secondary school certificate Examination (SSCE). I loved all subjects in senior secondary school except Mathematics and physics. I found these two subjects difficult because when it come to the problem-solving aspect, mathematics always looks like Arabic to me, and I found it difficult to comprehend. Due to this I would consult my elder brother for further explanations because he is an expert when it comes to calculations. The exam came and the result was a success except for Agricultural science which I least expected I could fail in my life. But it was not an issue because it didn't correspond with the course I wish to study in the university.

In 2017 I gained admission into the tertiary institution to study Physiology in Olabisi Onabanjo university, Ogun state. I was just 18 then and that was when I began to realize what life has thrown to a lot of people because I was no longer living under my parents again. I gained the freedom I always wanted and honestly life on campus was not easy the way I anticipated it to be but thanks to God I triumph through the highs and lows. I became a graduate in December 2021.

It was early January, and I was waiting for us to be cleared in school so I can also serve my fatherland. Clearance was delayed and I decided to work in a cyber cafe in Sagamu, Ogun state. During the course of working, I became keen to computer and enthusiastic in visualizing business and brands idea. I started learning graphic design and smartphone video editing on my phone online with my boss beside me always encouraging to focus and be determined. I earned certificates from sika digitals and Bright digital skills academy for completing their courses in smartphone graphic design and video editing.

Clearance was delayed till the middle of 2022 which by then I'd improved my skills in various computer programs and learnt how to operate various machines. My graduating class was mobilized for the NYSC scheme and most of us registered for the 2022 batch C NYSC orientation program. Anxiety kicked in while I was waiting for the call-up letter because it was the document that revealed the state where I spent my next 11 months. Fortunately for me, I was posted to Kwara state. I stopped working with my boss in October 2022 and travelled home to prepare for camp.

It was a cool Wednesday morning in November around 5 am, I already packed my luggage and was ready to journey to yikpata camp, in Kwara state. It was a long drive with a friend which I meet online on one of the NYSC WhatsApp group a night before. We arrived at camp around 4 pm very tired but we had to take up the remaining strength and proceed for the proper registration to save ourselves stress for the next day. By 7:30 pm we were done with the registration then we went to get dinner at Mami market before going back to the hostel allocated for us and finally, we had a peaceful night rest.

The next morning was like an attack from bandits when the soldiers barged into our hostel at exactly 5am, instigating fear on us by shouting and hitting our iron bunks. I asked myself if this is how they would keep waking us for the remaining 20 days. We were all chased out to the parade ground in the morning harmattan. By twilight, one could see the harmattan drizzling down from the sky.

My skin became contracted, and I was shaking because I have never been exposed to such harsh weather condition in my lifetime. i was in platoon 8 and every morning except Sunday, we march out for morning meditation followed by parade. we were taught basic military drills which we found difficult, and some comrades would want to skip it but there was nowhere to hide in camp because it was surrounded by men in uniform. The only way one could skip the parade is the case of sickness, being in red Cross group, appointed to the checkpoint or being in kitchen duty for the day. Life on camp was fun even for an introvert, because a lot of activities took place and I meet different people from different backgrounds sharing different ideas.
Let me write a little about Harmony hostel, it was full of fun, and we were tagged the "wahala hostel". We almost got ourselves punished one night due to the disagreement between some guys. My bunk mate Shola was a guy of my complexion. He would always say "Practice the three religions so you won't be caught unaware when you get to heaven".

The last day at orientation camp arrived very fast and we were given our posting letter. That moment came as a filth to all the fun I have experienced in camp. I was posted to Kaiama local government with some other comrades. It was another story entirely which I would still love to share on this platform.

Let me wrap it up by appreciating my long-lost friend @mviews who showed up in my house surprisingly and put me on board. I look forward in sharing ideas with people here. Love you all.🥰🥰


You’re welcome Liasu,it’s good to have you here and I didn’t know you guys go through the whole training process before the service itself starts.

Thanks abnead.
The scheme is actually divided into 4 parts
The first is the 3 weeks orientation camp training. After that, prospective Corp members will be posted to their place of primary assignment where they would serve their father land and do the community service consecutively. The last is the passing out parade when comrades would be given cer5of national service for a job welldone.

Oh okay
Thanks for the breakdown
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Welcome to the Hive community @taurus99!
We sincerely hope you find everything you are looking for and have found a new home here.

Seven suggestions to consider:

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  5. Do not publish other people's work, be it photos or written, without credit, and be sure to source all of your work, even if it is your own.
  6. An introduceyourself tag is used only once , and
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I found you because @brittandjosie and @jamerussell from @heyhaveyamet presented and promoted your publication to get more exposure and help you grow faster.

If you find yourself overwhelmed and need some guidance, or if you have any questions, there are informed Hiveans available who can help you; you can click to go to The Terminal in Discord here:

Have fun and happy Hiving!

Thank you very much for the welcome and advice 🫂. It's so amazing to be among you guys

Warm welcome to Hive @taurus99! Congratulations on getting your #introduceyourself post published! Hive is a huge ecosystem, with a lot happening, and it takes time to learn and understand fully, though it is well worth the effort! There are a goodly number of excellent guides and tutorials, that cover the important basics. On Hive we receive what we give, so give your all! I hope that your time on Hive is fun, fulfilling, and meaningful! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Thanks for having me onboard 🫂

Absolutely, you're most welcome! We're glad to have you! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

You are highly Welcome 🤗

Thanks alot

Welcome 🤗

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Hello! Welcome to Hive, @taurus99. I found you thanks to @heyhaveyamet 's introduction post.
You've come to a wonderful place where you can develop any interest you can think of. The limit is up to you!
The learning curve is steep at first, but ask any questions you have, read and observe.
Here are some resources to help you get started:
Link to The Terminal Discord server, highly recommended for learning anything about Hive and @heyhaveyamet 's home.
Link to Ecency's Discord server, my favourite frontend and where you can find me most of the time.
Link to the Ecency resource library, where I'm adding practical tutorials in Spanish and some are in English, too.
Little by little you will find the places where you feel most comfortable, get in touch with other hivers and success will come.
Greetings from Spain. 🤗

Thanks for your warm welcoming ma

Welcome my friend. Hive is a good place to be, feel free to explore here.

Thank you 😘

Welcome to Hive @taurus99 ! I see you've already got some great advice in your comments, it will definitely help you on your Hive journey!

Thanks thebighigh


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Welcome to Hive! It sounds like you've received a lot of good advice already.

If you have questions on how things on Hive works, The Terminal is a great place on Discord to ask questions:

I'm with the Hive Onboarding Committee and we're always looking to help new Hive users learn the ropes, find their tribe and grow. Feel free to join us if you're interested:

Hi Liasu! Nice to meet you!
We share the same passion for Graphic Design which is lovely! Enjoy your stay here :)

Good to have a graphic designer here🤝
Thank you

Why don't you join us on Discord? We're the Hive Onboarding Committee, we would love to help you get going here on Hive! Here's the invite code.