Minnowsupport: Weekly Picks for Saturday 5/18/20024

in Palnet27 days ago (edited)

It is a privilege to curate for #MSP-Curation every Saturday as a part of the @Minnowsupport initiative. "Peace, Abundance, Liberty" is the motto of PAL, which supports all Hive users, but notably the minnows.


And what a wonderful opportunity to pick five articles from Ladies of Hive, which is my main focus!

Each of these articles have been upvoted by @minnowsupport.
Thank you @minnowsupport for this tremendous initiative and for your support!



Link to the article: https://peakd.com/hive-124452/@d-honeyb/tribute-to-my-humble-hero

My mother's silent prayers which echoes through the night is her way of finding peace amidst life's struggles. Her words of encouragement and support keeps us going. Even now in our adulthood, whenever we call her for support she answers a billion times 😊😊
To me, my mother is like a backbone that keeps everything in the home in place. She is the shoulder I have leaned on and still leaning on now. The one whose words of encouragement make us(her children) stretch beyond limits to achieve our goals.
Today, I honour and celebrate my mother not just for her sacrifices but for her immeasurable strength and resilience with which she has weathered the storms of life and the love she continues to show.
I recognize her immense impact today and always, and I am not ashamed to call her MY MOTHER.



Link to the article: https://peakd.com/hive-124452/@sarimanok/entry-185--tribute-to-mothers

But there's no such thing as perfect marriage, right? Or should I say, the world out there is filled with lots of temptations especially to sailors like my hubby. He was a good provider and a good father to my kids but he was never a loyal husband to his wife.:( I fought for my rights for the sake of my growing kids. I became a martyr! Lol!
As a mother of five, I stood my ground. One thing that I was thankful for was that he had "affairs" outside my territory. Meaning he did it while he was far away from me or whenever he was overseas. My kids felt my heartaches all those years but I kept my stand, trying to be brave but I was dying inside! I've got 2 boys so I need to be strong. Though they have seen my struggles, I kept telling them not to interfere during our arguments because he's still their father and he was responsible in providing everything that we have.
Being a mother is not an easy task. With all the endurance and happenings in our lives, I prefer to deal with reminiscing the good memories we had together. Mothers always wanted the best for their children. Thinking it over, I am still grateful to my mother for giving birth to me. That was unconditional. She once told me that it was my grandfather's decision and against her will. Well, she was only 14 during that time and so helpless. At this point, all I could say is that my obligation as a mother to my kids never stopped as long as they needed me.



Link to the article: https://peakd.com/hive-124452/@darahclem/dear-mother-loh-contest-week

To The Woman who shows me unconditional love
This poem is a proof of the immense love i have for you.
My mother
My hero
You posses the strength of a thousand men
You're an embodiment of love and compassion
You are deemed weak yet stronger than anyone could ever be.
My Hero you are, dear Mother
My Strength
Your patience, attention to my needs and sacrifices can never be underated
You've stood like a pillar in the storms of life
Taking all the arrows just so I can be safe.
My strength you are, dear Mother
My first teacher
Your intelligence is unmatched.
Your prowess in navigating through this journey of motherhood is enviable.
Indeed you are a wise woman, keeping your home in so much love.
My teacher you are, dear Mother.
My Inspiration
Even when others didn't believe in me, you did
Consciously and unconsciously you have induced in me the spirit of a fighter because you never give up.
My encouragement you are , dear Mother
My Friend
All my secrets are safe with you.
The joy you bring to my soul,the laughter and smile you bring to my face and lips is worthwhile.
Indeed you brighten up my world.
My friend you are, dear Mother
My Nurse
You endure sleepless nights when I'm ill
You keep watch and you're present at my weak moments.
You take care till I'm strong enough and you care even more when I'm stronger.
My Mother
My Hero
Your praises are not sung enough
You deserve more than the best
You are indeed golden
You mean the world to me.
I pray this day that the Lord strengthen you and keep you,may you live long and healthy so that you can reap the bountiful fruits of your labours for me
I look forward to taking care of you too dear mother.
I love you.
I cherish you.
My Mother
My Hero .



Link to the article: https://peakd.com/hive-124452/@yaslenysofia/mama-ejemplo-de-amor-puro-loh185-espeng

One of the most significant teachings that I never forget is one of these phrases that she always emphasized: “Not for being poor you will live in filth”, she, being the youngest of 12 siblings, lived many experiences, both unpleasant and very significant and that are not forgotten from my grandmother, they did not have large amounts of money or land, but always kept the house neat, that everyone in town admired how she left it, giving us to understand that poverty comes from the mind, not for not studying you will live in filth.
So I could say that Mom, you are also an object of inspiration, self-improvement, coherence and good sense, although you could not graduate and work completely, you always looked for a way to get ahead, whether in crafts or baking, simple but tasty, and that capital that came to you, instead of using it to your benefit, you worried about having something that you bought yourself. Thank you for being and being there at all times.






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Great posts curated

Thanks for your support, @momins !

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🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @gwajnberg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

Thanks. @hivecurators !

@silversaver888, you are most welcome!

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Excellent support job, I should also take some time and go to take care of profiles of new or small users.

There are so many of them, and they are excellent writers in their own right!
Thank you for your support, @stefano.massari !

@stefano.massari! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @silversaver888. (8/20)

Thank you for the recognition @Minnowsupport

This means so much to me.

Well-deserved, sis, @d-honeyb !

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@silversaver888, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @d-honeyb and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (4/30 calls)

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Muchas gracias @minnowsupport. Aprecio el reconocimiento dado por mi post. 😊

Thank you very much @minnowsupport. I appreciate the recognition given for my post. 😊

Greetings @silversaver888 ,

These are such lovely posts....thank you for collecting and presenting them.

Cheers to these ladies...Congratulations!


Many many who are selected for curation.

Thanks for the acknowledgement
I'm grateful 🥰🙏🏿