Solo’s weekly picks: Adventure

in Palnet6 months ago

Sharing adventures other people can see some amazing views you captured. And its a great way to look back at past experiences. This week I found some Hive posts about adventures people went on. We will check out some treks up mountains, a visit to an abandoned house, and a stay at forest park.

Here are five posts by Hive plankton and minnows talking about adventure:

Adventures in Mount Telomoyo: amazing sights and stories by @salsayumna

Taking a drive up a mountain they get to explore the peaks and see some amazing views. They stop for some tea and milk and then go all the way up to see the view from the top of the mountain.

A Walk On An Abandoned Paradise by @kaijen

Going to explore an abandoned house, the weather was not good but that did not stop them from going on this adventure. They check out the features of this house and find a pond in the back.

A Hike to Remember: Lake Holon Adventure Part 1 | Stunning Views and Unexpected Twists via Kule Trail by @itskareninamoi

Going on a hike through the forest their goal is a lake deep inside the woods. They pass by stations on the way to their destination. Reaching each gets harder as they go further into the forest. But upon reaching the lake they get some great pictures.

Delighting My Inner Child and Conquering My Dragons at Dahilayan | Mindanao Travel Series Part 2 by @wholesamdiaries

A visit to a forest park in the Philippines they check into their room they booked. Going for a walk around they get to see many great views of the area and then get something to eat later on. They also had lots of fun on the attractions at the park.

Mount Rinjani, the charm of exotic natural beauty on the roof of Lombok by @saifannurr

A day of adventure to reach a mountain side, they walk through forests and then move onto climbing the mountain they go up paths to reach the top, it gets steeper the further they go up the mountain. But the views are well worth it. Sunrise is something to be seen up on top of that mountain the author recounts.

Thats my five picks for this week, come back next week to see
Solo's next weekly picks. I curate posts every Tuesday and do this through MSP. Thanks so much to the Minnow Support Group for giving me the opportunity to serve as a curator!


Adventures related to hiking in beautiful mountainous areas, that's great friend @solominer so we learn about beautiful sites worldwide in good publications, it is an excellent job. I anticipate to thank you for your visits to my publications. From Venezuela I wish you success.

I love the mountains too.. it's always been fun finding trails on them.

Thanks and no problem.

It is an excellent pleasure, climb with prudence mountains dear @solominer calms the mind energizes the body. Success and thank you for your visits to my publications.

What's life without an adventure, lol! The views are amazing. I mean they were accompanied by nature. You really did well with the picks. They are awesome

So true, everyone needs a little in their life. Thanks.. I think they are quite nice too.

It's been a while I went on an adventure. It's always fun and interesting. Exploring nature is on of the excitement one need to catch once in a while. Going deep into the forests, climbing mountains, exploring the waters, and so on. Sometimes, it's dangerous, but when one is well prepared, it's hazard is minimal. Nice picks.

Well hope you get some adventure in your life soon. So true, it can be a little dangerous but many times worth the risk.


Sure. It really worth it...

Awesome! Thanks for including my post for this week's picks 😊 Also, such incredible experiences and adventures. Excited to see more of your curated picks in the future!

You are very welcome, oh good.. well stay tuned for more.
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