Nothing hurt more than a betrayal

in Hive Naijalast month

There is always a reason why people change but many don't care about their wrongdoings, they only tell people how close they were with the person, and suddenly the change and distance.


I used to hear a lot of gist of how some people changed and stopped playing with their friends after they gained admission into a university, but not until I heard the full gist from some of those who changed.

Some people mock and make fun of those they call friends to make themselves happy, the victim would never see you as a friend if all you do is humiliate him or her in the open in the name of passing lame jokes, and the moment they moved to a new world where they meet new people who cherish and love them, they realized they have been wasting time mingling with those who make jest of them at every opportunity they get and that is what often lead to them distancing themselves from those people when they go back home because they realized they deserved better.

If those people being ignored want to state their case, they would say we used to be good friends but after admission, he changed and does not want to mingle with us anymore... good friends? really? This is why I do not judge from hearing one side of the story, you also need to listen to the other side before you start criticizing.

I have a story to tell about how I ended a friendship.

It was back in 2012 during 2GO days, I made some friends online, we were a group of boys terrorizing 2GO group chat, we would go from one group chat to the other harassing girls, it was fun but when I saw young boys doing it in group chat now, I realized how foolish I was back then and I believe those boys doing it now too will realize it in life later how foolish they acted in group chat lol.


We were 4 in the group and out of those 4, I was closer to 1 of them and we would tell each other things about ourselves, One day, on our raid, we entered a group chat and we were insulting the girls there as usual, but somehow my guy and one of the girls was vibing, seems he like the girl and while I and the other 3 were harassing, he played cool, the girls have tried their best to make us feel bad but all to no avail but somehow along the line, the girl said something to me which she would not have known about unless she was told and the only person that could have told her that is that my close friend as he was the only one I told.

I didn't know what hurt more if it was what the girl said or that I was betrayed by a friend because of a girl he barely knew, I never asked him anything about it, like if she told the girl anything but that put a stop to the closeness, I stop telling him things and also limit the way I relate with him, I didn't make it that obvious so I doubt he knew and luckily for him, he would never know since we were only friends online if it was offline, he would have known due to the distance I was going to give him.

I don't think what he did was worth vexing much over but I am someone who thinks a lot, if he could betray and rat me out to a girl he barely knew, imagine what else he could do in the future if we end up meeting and become closer.

We blame people for changing but we don't care to know the story behind it.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

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God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You made me remember 2GO days
Well, what he did wasn’t really nice. So many guys do that but it doesn’t really make sense
Girl wey fit later shenk am😅

yea good old days!

I doubt their friendship last long, or maybe it even ended in the group chat cos that was the last time I heard about her.

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You are right. People are too quick at times to blame people when they change but they don't understand what is behind the change

 last month  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

I think that's why is better to not take things at face value, learning the stories behind an event often reveals the truth of things. Good that you learnt about this behavior of your friend online before getting to know him offline, it definitely could've much worse if the friendship continued.

I'm glad you guys were just friends online and didn't take it further cause that guy can't be trusted with your secrets, I don't like guys that talk like that as well it pisses me off.