A Few Things I Detest In weddings

in Hive Naijalast month

The food shared in weddings is generally enticing, it may not be necessarily sweet but one can kill a lot of people to have a taste of it. By killing a lot, I mean, become a baby, drop aside shame, and fight with his entire strength to have a plate regardless of your age. Yes sometimes we try to act mature but deep inside it hurts to see plates of food skip our seat to the next and back without getting your own share of it. That's one of the commotions that happens during weddings and from the bottom of my matured heart, I don't like it, I come from afar just to be denied a plate of food, for what reason did I come then? Hahahaha

Anyways, wedding ceremonies are fun especially when the African culture is observed. The drums, dancers, the attires, the color and decorations make the day colorful. But then, the evolution in the ways weddings are celebrated has become a thing of concern, it's more of a trend and making mine look better than the other, so we see competition and rivalry just to make a name and usually end up putting burden in the whole process. There are several things I detest about today's wedding and one of them is "Taking up the culture of the Western countries too extreme".

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I have watched a few weddings done by the western countries and I see how simple it is, a few people and a bishop who blesses the union and the day goes with feasting and greetings by Friends and this makes me wonder who exactly we copied our wedding style from. On the day of making it loud, people end up in debt and they still end up not pleasing half of the people who always have something to complain about. This act of making it loud comes with a style of dressing these days that looks almost seductive,if not seductive. So the event becomes more of showing than celebrating. I attended a wedding a few months ago when the bridal trail was there on a mission to seduce. Some elderly men found it embarrassing to look up while some younger men saw it as a delight to their eyes with the kind of dressing style they sewed. Dresses showing their breasts and slightly covering their nipples and their laps well revealed. It's funny how decency is no longer observed in some weddings.

Secondly, Food are not evenly distributed. Sometimes one doesn't even know when the food is shared, you hear something like "the food is finished, we shared it long ago". How? I was there seating and didn't observe anything going on like that. Alright, I'm a big boy, I can afford whatever I need but I still wonder why food at weddings is still my concern. You may not see me drag for food, but deep inside I want some. I noticed during weddings the women involved in cooking the food take almost half of the food and hide denying others a share of it. Sometimes i wonder if they don't eat at home or its some kind of greed in display. A few times, I have seen those women throwing away the leftovers of the food they store because they couldn't eat it and this entirely is bad.

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This food aspect is really disturbing you, seems you had an experience with it recently, LoL. 🤣 But it doesn't sound nice for food to be shared and some individuals dont get to have their shares. Sometimes, people leave their homes without eating anything just to celebrate with the couple, they ought to be treated nicely.

The issue of decency, I won't blame those young ladies, sometimes it's societal pressure that is causing these things, seeing theirs friends getting married and they are not hurts. The mistake most of them make is think by exposing their bodies, men will rush them, well, they might not be wrong because men will definitely rush after them but with bad intentions.

The bad intentions actually doesn't satisfy their desire and for the food, I'm a big boy now, I don't cry for food again

Hahaha, I knew there was something fishy about the food. Don't worry on my wedding day, I'll keep special takeaway for you 🤣

Hahaha. I'll save this message for evidence

Hahahaha you and wedding rice 🤣

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