Wedding system need some change

in Hive Naijalast month

Weddings are a beautiful thing, and through a wedding, two people of different genders become life partners. In my culture, marriage is the social and legal acceptance of life partners. Most people in my culture go for the traditional way at the wedding.

In my lifetime, I have attended a lot of weddings. And there are some things that I don't like but that usually happen at almost every wedding. I am going to discuss those here.

There is no doubt that most people have the intention of doing only one marriage, and the moment of the wedding is indeed very special, and trying to make it memorable is good, but that thing is highly related to finance. In most of the weddings, people spend money extravagantly. Even people don't hesitate to borrow money and take loans from others. A good amount of time they need to take to become free from those debts. I believe that wedding arrangements should be done based on the capability of the person, and spending a lot of money beyond the capacity is not a good thing, and I don't like it. It's not a joke, but it's happening almost all the time here.

Whenever we go to a wedding, we go there at least with a gift. Although it's not a compulsory thing and nobody asks for gifts at a wedding, other people don't hesitate to criticize those who don't bring any gifts. It's very humilating, and so most of the people who are not capable of buying a gift don't go to weddings. So I believe that a wedding without a gift is the best thing, and in that case, everyone can join a wedding without any hesitation, even if they can't buy any gifts.

The dowry system in weddings is illegal according to law, but almost every wedding has a dowry system running. After marriage, many ladies receive humiliation if dowry is not given. Moreover, physical and mental torture also occurs. In my country, many ladies committed suicide for that reason, but it is unfortunate that very few go to seek support from the law for legal action. Maybe they are afraid of doing it. Nobody asks for dowry directly, but if dowry is not given, then the consequences of humiliation start. That kind of practice should be stopped, but it's happening very frequently. I really hate the system. It's also a very bad practice, and people already take it as a tradition or unofficial rule of wedding.

Another thing that is very irritating at a wedding. There always exist some people who will try to figure out some fault in a wedding. They just need a reason to give a lecture, and somehow they will figure out a fault. Then they will give advice like it should be like that, bla bla bla. Like them, there also exist some people who must say that the food wasn't good in taste and they didn't enjoy the food. Those kinds of people are very irritating, and I think they are uncivilized people and don't deserve to receive the invitation to a wedding. I don't want to see them at the wedding, but somehow, at least, there is at least one person like them.

I just shared my thoughts related to the topic. You are also invited to share your thoughts.


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 last month  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

I see no reason why a person should borrow to do a wedding, yes it's their special day and it's necessary they do it according to their pocket size so they don't have to think of paying back loans.

I also think about it like you. But most of the people are going in that was and it's not a wise decision in my opinion.


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@intishar(1/5) tipped @ene22

Oh,I didn't realize that there are people who try to criticize weddings like that. You can be sure that in my wedding, such a person won't be allowed to speak.

And also, I don't think gifts are bad. It doesn't have to be expensive but just thoughtful. Something to show that you care. Although these days, people don't give physical gifts like they used to because of a lot of reasons. Mostly cash.

A gift is not a bad thing but it's not compulsory also and someone is criticized for it is not good either. Otherwise, I have no issue with the gift.

You can be sure that in my wedding, such a person won't be allowed to speak.

Hehe. Have you decided on your wedding date yet😅?