Sight: The Small But Mighty Organ

in Hive Naija24 days ago

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The eye is a mysterious window to our soul! It is our organ of sight. It reflects the world but hides our secrets. Its gaze is like a sharp light, revealing and concealing truths.

Yes, we were asked to write about our sense of sight, smell, or hearing, and I chose sight. But personally, I'm more intrigued by the organ of sight, which is the eye. I think it's something beautiful.

I've always somehow compared it with a camera; it pictures things in their form and colour. But it is more perfect in nature than a camera. It's just a small, round organ that twitches from time to time, but it's created to self-wash itself, show pain, happiness, and so many other things. The beautiful part is how we are able to see someone's soul through their eyes.

I'll always tell people that the body language might lie, but the eye holds and tells the truth.

If you happen to be unlucky and you get a defect in the eye, then you get to understand how impotent these little organs can be. If it's damaged beyond repair, then it's darkness all around. Sometimes I see it as being dead while still alive.

Well, I'm part of the unlucky gang. And no, I'm not blind, but I have a little defect in my eye that requires me to wear glasses to correct it. So yeah, I'm a four-eyed man.

My vision is blurry unless I have my spare eye (glasses) with me. Also, I dare not step into a bright light, the sun, or whatever that's so bright. I dare not look at whatever's so bright with my bare eye. Unless I want to be blind for a few minutes or get some little stings of pain,.

This has made me avoid going out at night to avoid cars beaming their lights at my face. It makes me wonder if I will ever get to drive at night.

But here is the crazy part. My vision might be blurry without my glasses, but there's this animal I hate, and I tend to be the first to notice it compared to other people, even if it camouflages with its surroundings. That's the snake.

Be it hanging on a tree or not, I'll still find it. This has made my brother mock me. "Maybe you're pretending to have issues with my eye just to wear glasses and look cute and innocent, whereas you're the opposite," as they'll always say 😂. (I'm still thinking of a better way to come back at them,though.)

The bottom line is that you never get to understand why it's been taught in school to take care of your sight until you have issues with them. You never know how important the eyes are until there is a defect in your sight. Yes, our sight depreciates with age, but taking good care and having a constant checkup can do you a lot of good.

And a little reminder before I go. Everyone who wears glasses isn't blind. We just have a defect that needs correcting with glasses, and yes, we can also see you without our glasses, though blurry as the car may be. And also, just because I wear glasses doesn't mean I sabi book. 😂


Lol you didn't leave any joke unsaid in this your entry o 😂 so even with the defect you have in your eyes, you're the first to see things like snake lol.

Indeed, we never know the importance until we have issues with them or lose them. Thanks for the reminder to care for my eyes more.

Mehn, the way I hate those slithering reptiles eh. 😂

Thank you for reading 😊

That last part though 😂😂😂 people use to think all the people that wear glasses sabi book lol.

Anyways our eyes are very important part of our body, we need to take good care of them.

No be small thing. Lecturers will always be looking at you for the answer 😂.
Thank you for reading 😊

 23 days ago  

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