A real-life feel with a fictional world.Edition 46 contest

in Hive Naija19 days ago

Everyone.I am @mdakash62

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Friends,Grettings everyone

Hello I hope everyone is well and having a lovely healthy day with all of your families. I hope that the creator is always giving you the opportunity to spend a beautiful healthy time. Hive Naija Weekly Prompt | Going to participate in the Edition 46 contest. I hope you all will stay with me and read my writings carefully and enjoy the writings. Let's move on to the main Prompt.

We have seen different fictional world in movies and love them. If you could live in one, which one would you choose and why?

I was generally very addicted to watching movies since my childhood. I loved looking at pictures and sharing happy moments with friends. Especially after watching the film at home, I used to share the memories of that film with my friends. Although those moments in the film are wonderful and romantic comrades. I used to go into a fantasy world by sitting and meditating by looking at this picture. Many times after watching the picture, when I sleep at night, such an imaginary world comes to my heart. Ignore that imaginary world and find the world of fantasy in the land of sleep. Where a film showed a curious scenario of romantic love. I was fascinated by the scenery though. Also, my lover and loved ones had two heroes and heroines in that attractive scenario. But when I go into the fantasy world, I become more of a hero and see my beloved as the heroine.


When I leave the fantasy world and come back to real life, reality seems like a wall in the middle that I can't go through. But I can continue my efforts. But if I want to leave this romantic fantasy world. But I love real life, I always prioritize the beauty of the real world and the purpose of expressing our love in that face-to-face reality. Although the imaginary world gives people pleasure for some time. Which is completely a kind of imagination of the mind. Although it is not real, imagination is just imagination. But I know that a great wall has been built between imaginations. which we see in the picture. We often try to make it a reality. But in the fantasy world when we go to the land of sleep and combine the stories of the pictures with the fantasy world, the sleep cycle can be a great feeling or a bad one. In the middle of which there is a huge wall. We understand that wall only after waking up.

But I always want to choose real life love. Where seeing the real face of loved ones with self-respect is not a fantasy world but reality. A great feeling of being lost in a story together with beautiful talents of extraordinary variety, hand in hand with loved ones, always surpasses real life love.


because of All imaginary activities in the world of fantasy are never real. There is a huge wall between fictional life and real life. Which we see only after waking up. I feel asleep. But it's true fantasy world always gives temporary pleasure to people. This world of imagination exists in all the people of the world. But still we believe in real life and believe in reality. So let us leave the world of fantasy and make friends with real life. With no walls in between you can experience real life directly.

Thank you for reading my creative article blog .Stay safe,stay happy.i think if you find any mistake in writing or something. Please allow me to correct it.And find me on social media.

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All Prepared by @mdakash62

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Seeing a lot of things in movies and even books expose us to the possibility of things that might not even be possible in real life. At least, we live in that moment for a little time and it's always fun.

yes my friend thank you so much for your opinion with your concern. really it's my pleasure

 19 days ago  

Although the imaginary world gives people pleasure for some time.

This is completely true. We might get lost in the pleasures of an imaginary world and forget to love dutifully in the real world throwing in high expectations.

The real world might be full of struggle, but that’s what makes it beautiful.

I am very happy and motivated for your kind comments. We always see authenticity and real life as the pinnacle of experience. Thank you for your comment.

All imaginary activities in the world of fantasy are never real.

So true but then it gives us hope and the ability to see beauty even when we can't find any around us based on the challenges life throws at us. There are days when I wake up with so much hope based on a movie I watched.

Based on many favorite movies you come with supplies. However, we find many discrepancies from imaginary life to real life, even if we are based on some postures of sleeping or staring. I enjoy wanting something if it's not real. Thank you very much for your kind comments. May God always bless you with all abilities.

Amen. Thank you, dear friend. Blessings

you are most welcome

 19 days ago  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

thank you so much for your good concern you are most welcome