Finland Likely To Leave EU As Leftists Lose Big Time Over The Conservatives

in Informationwarlast year

HELSINKI (AP) — Finnish voters have given a boost to conservative parties in a weekend election, depriving left-wing Prime Minister Sanna Marin of another term as the country prepares to make its historic entry into NATO on Tuesday.

This smells a lot of the NaZelensky Curse.

Finnish media touted the The Finns, which ran on an anti-immigration and anti-EU agenda, as the biggest winner of the election. The populists scored the best result of their history under the leadership of Riikka Purra, who took over the party only in 2021.

(Image not shown due to low ratings)

Images were hidden due to low ratings.

Those are not leftists, @baah. Those are satanists.

The difference is that historically ‘the right’ was capitalist regimes colonizing and plundering people all over the World, and ‘the left’ was people who fought against exploitation. That was a textbook definition while I was young and going to school. You see, I am left, and I don’t have a single point of convergence with those psychopathic satanists labeled ‘the left’:

First thing that Centralized Hierarchical Political Matrix do is taking over control of terminology, for the aim of killing any humane idea. Calling perverted satanists ‘the left’ is doing a job in favor of those depopulation scum.

Video from the previous post has been removed by the Google gang, so I will show you another one in which professor Richard Wolff explains one of the models of worker cooperative with the aim of abolishing exploitation at the example of the Mondragon Corporation, based in the Basque region of Spain:

That is left.

you have been played..

but do not worry

the right is also being played

If they are smart they'll dump the EU. If western culture is to survive getting rid of the EU would be a good start.

I don't believe it. The Finns are not as stupid as the British.

And what are the benefits of joining the EU

The printed Euro? The mass amount of refugees which is the Netherlands force to take in while we have a big time housing shortage and our own people are struggling?

The labour workers from Eastern Europe which imo is bad for the average Joe who makes crap while working full time because there are so much Polish people for example who will work for less.

Fuck the E.U.

Ask the British, they already regret leaving the EU. The negative attitude towards the EU is mainly the victims of Putin's propaganda. Unfortunately, it goes to naïve people.

Maybe read a thing or 2 about the Netherlands and the EU.

If im correct the Netherlands voted against beeing a member of the EU. We voted against the Euro, we voted against some Ukraine/EU deal in 2015 because of this shit happening right now.

Dont get it twisted im pro working together with Europeans countries. All countries basically. Not that some scum in Brussel decides how many vaccines i have to take or which digital coin i have to use. Or which app i need to enter a fing gym.

But its all Putin fault..

Last year, Peugeot, Citroen, Opel, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Maserati, DS, Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep merged into one company. Guess why?

You're coming in loud and clear from what I can see. Nice.

This is normally the case when I see your posts. Care to share why this is happening? or is it really old news?