CNN can hardly contain their glee over Trump indictment

in Informationwar10 months ago

While I wasn't watching it, it happened to be on in the background in an establishment that I happened to be in yesterday and the audio wasn't on but I could see from the expression on the faces of the hosts how insanely happy the hosts are that Trump is getting indicted in Georgia. CNN has always been a seriously Trump-hating network so I suppose it isn't at all a surprise that they would have this reaction.


I don't know how long this went on for, I would imagine the entire day as they bounced back and forth from this and talking about people who have burned to death in Hawaii, which is something I am sure CNN cares considerably less about.

In the little bit of time that I spent looking in that direction while I waited for my food order, I noticed that they were focusing an awful lot on Rudy Giuliani as well. They intentionally chose unflattering pictures of him and kept bringing up how much money Rudy has lost, claiming that he is broke. They seemed to be celebrating the notion that this once powerful (he probably is still powerful) man is presented as now being a complete failure. I doubt that is the case at all. Rudy probably has a ton of money sitting in bank accounts overseas which cannot be traced or touched by the United States government, just like it seems all extremely powerful people do.


They select images that make it appear as though Rudy was scared or guilty or just generally disheveled and this is no accident. This is something I really dislike about the media these days and no, I don't think it is a problem that is exclusively on the left although they do seem to engage in it more frequently since they control most media. A news networks really shouldn't be "happy" that someone is going to court, especially when it is really unlikely that anything is actually going to come of this. I haven't bothered to really look into it all that much because I really don't think anything is going to happen to Trump or anyone else. To be honest, I don't really even know what this entire thing is about but one thing is certain in my mind: This whole fiasco is entirely politically driven. This is very unfortunate because for anyone out there that is joining in with CNN's glee about all this, just wait until the cannon is pointing the other way. The enthusiasm won't be so great when the system is used in this way against "your guy."

If the idea here behind all of these charges is to prevent Trump from winning the Presidency in 2024 I have to say that as an independent voter who knows plenty of other independent voters, this constant throwing of all sorts of lawsuits at the wall hoping that some of them will stick against Trump is actually turning independent voters to his side. I have no love for Trump although I do find him amusing. I tend to vote Libertarian or some other 3rd party because I hate the 2-party system that we have in America. That being said, seeing the entire system go after this man so hard makes me want to support him just to stick it to the machine that is making this happen.

I don't believe that there are very many, or even any, Trump supporters out there that are going to flip sides because of this and if that is the hope behind all of this, it isn't a very good plan. Die hard Trump supporters already feel as though their man is being treated unfairly for challenging the system, and when this stuff just keeps happening, it only makes them feel like supporting him even more.

When I read that the Sheriff in some country wants to personally "book" Trump including taking his mugshots and height and weight I thought to myself that this is just in very bad form and it is not going to go to good places by setting this standard. It's going to come back the other way and we are going to see retribution in other areas of the country that are conservative. There will be no civil war, but the divide that we have in this country is only going to get worse and in my mind the worst part of all of this isn't that Trump is being targeted unfairly, it's that these trials that are almost certainly not going to result in anything actually happening, are expensive and guess who gets to pay the bill? That's right! The average person with their tax money. What a wonderful thing to spend money on.

Jesus, government absolutely sucks. I wish I could move to south of the border. Maybe I'll start studying Spanish with some of the guys who work on our jobsites and prepare for the future. The United States is just getting progressively worse.


I hear much of south america is the place to be right now, or Mexico.

The Trump indictments are performance art, designed to entertain us, and to deepen the political divide. Extreme vocabulary has been used for so long that folks think every event is humanity threatening, right or left. When Trump's support increases, as you point out is happening, Democrat outrage, from certainty that the US is being overrun by homophobic racists, will flare. The left talks about the right fomenting civil war but, as usual, the left is doing what they claim the right is doing, and these indictments are just one more part.

just wait until the cannon is pointing the other way.

While I have often said "be careful what you wish for" to Dems, I don't think the Republicans have the balls to do it. Gore and Clinton both challenged the election results in similar ways (didn't pursue it as long though) and the following Republican admins didn't do anything to them along these lines.

If the election results were tampered with, wouldn't everyone want to know? I sure do. It's a shame none of the investigations were allowed to proceed, another unwise deliberate fomenting of rage. If there had been no tampering, what would be the harm in looking closely? I'd much rather see my taxes spent on protecting the results, than on these very expensive court procedings.

Maybe, just maybe, election result tampering will be exposed via these proceedings, and all this hoopla will turn out to have been a good thing, a be careful what you wish for moment.

If the election results were tampered with, wouldn't everyone want to know?

One would think so. But I think the politics in USA have become so vitriolic that people are more of a "victory at any cost" mindset and are ok with it as long as it benefits them.

Rank and file Dems have been convinced that the other side is so evil, anything is justified. I believe many of them are well aware that the results were tampered with, but believe it was a just cause. They do not want that to be discovered.

What we learned is that it is very difficult to challenge election results because the control is, constitutionally and rightly I believe, in the hands of the states. If the state election mechanisms themselves are corrupt, there is no way to challenge results. No organization that handles elections with integrity would oppose scrutiny of its processes.

Here's a few relevant statements from the NYTimes today from this article

Mr. Biden has for months been on a mission to paint all Republicans as marching in lock step with Mr. Trump’s most loyal, hard-right supporters. On Wednesday, Democrats are hoping to see Republicans engaged in stylistic efforts to attract Trump voters.

“If Republicans want to make this election about attacks on the president’s family, it’s a losing strategy,” said Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois, a Democrat. “It would be a mistake for them to make that an issue.”

Democrats widely view Mr. Trump as the easiest Republican candidate to defeat next year. Mr. Biden beat him once already, they reason, and Mr. Trump’s cascading legal problems and singular ability to repel moderate Republicans and swing voters make him the one they’d like to face.

Fairy tale thinking abounds.

You know what I hate most about Democrats? They make me want to vote for Republicans!

I've never been much of a Trump fan and have been voting 3rd party (for all the good that does) in presidential elections for quite some time. However, nothing makes me want to vote for Trump more than this kind of bullshit. If he's pissing off people in government and the media that bad then he must be doing something right. This is going to backfire on them one way or the other.

I think you and I have a lot in common as far as this is concerned. I have "thrown my vote away" voting for a candidate I actually believed in going all the way back to Michael Badnarik in 2004. Until recently I was happy to continue doing so as well because even though it is slight, the amount of people that were voting 3rd party was growing. That will all change in 2024 though.

Its the Clintonian New Network... what do you expect?

Hitlery said, "If he wins we are all going to hang"
They have to throw everything at him, their lives depend on it.

And America isn't really getting progressively worse, it is just a few blue cities.
And they are tiny if you look at a map of America.

However, the media sure does show it as if it is all progressive neo-liberal, give-me-your-children sycophants.

And America isn't really getting progressively worse, it is just a few blue cities.

A reasonably good point. Life where I live hasn't really changed at all. I think people should focus more on local politics than they do because those effect your immediate lives a lot more dramatically.

This is accurate.
Catherine Austin Fitts has stated this many times.
Get involved in your local politics

The more they push this narrative the worse the election results will be. I don't like Biden or Trump but Biden has been a total failure and more embarrassing than Trump was. Biden is seen as a laughing stock internationally which is not good for the US.

I have a hard time believing that Biden would be seen as anything else. I recall many years ago when George HW Bush vomited at a meeting somewhere in Asia and the media was all over that. That was just ONE time that a president did something a bit strange. No imagine that you have a guy that can barely read a teleprompter, never does press interviews that aren't staged, has easter bunnies directing him away from reporters, and routinely falls down because he can't really walk?

Lol. Biden is now part of the entertainment and no one can take him seriously. There is no way he is running the country as he is clearly not capable.