1200 Fold Increase in Menstrual Abnormalities, 57 Fold Increase in Miscarriages and 38 Fold Increase in Fetal Death

in Informationwarlast year

The pushing of these experimental Covid-19 vaccines is the greatest violation of medical ethics in history. Dr James Thorp

The Stranglers (British punk rock band) had a hit with the song entitled No More Heroes in which they sing about the lack of heroes in modern day Britain of the 1970s. The situation we find ourselves in 2020 is that our time period is producing those heroes again. All those people brave enough to stand up and call out this “vaccine” and it’s harmful effects.

My hero of the week therefore is Dr James Thorp.

Dr James A Thorp MD

He is an extensively published physician MD from Florida. A board certified O&G (which means obstetrics and gynaecology) in plain words to do with pregnancy, childbirth and female sexual and reproductive health. Dr Thorp is an expert in maternal-fetal medicine and has practised in this field for over 42 years.

Since the roll out of the “vaccines” he has witnessed many more cases of fetal deaths and miscarriages. Attempts to quantify these adverse effects has been hampered by the imposition of gag orders (September 2021) on both doctors and nurses in the US.

What I’ve seen in the last two years is unprecedented

The Pfizer FOIA documents revealed that there were 274 pregnancy adverse effects of which 75 were serious. Yet around the world they continued to push “vaccines” onto pregnant women.

Last week Dr Thorp was interviewed on the Tucker Carlson show in which he revealed that he has a major paper being released in a big medical journal on the 1st March. This peer reviewed study on Covid “Vaccines” dangerous effects on reproductive health includes a 57-fold increase in miscarriages compared to the flu vaccine. This is over the long time in which the flu shot has been given compared to the short time frame of the Covid “vaccines”.

The pushing of these experimental Covid-19 vaccines is the greatest violation of medical ethics in history

For some time there have been reports of tens of thousands of women reporting irregular menstruation after taking the jab.

See the report from NBC Chicago back in April 2021. After irregularities in her menstrual cycle Katherine Lee, a postdoctoral research student at Washington University in the Division of Public Health reached out to Kate Clancy, professor of Anthropology at the University of Illinois who tweeted about it. The response to this tweet was overwhelming.

The response prompted researchers to create a survey posted on social media. 59,000 people responded. The irregularities covered timing issues, spotting, lighter and heavier periods. Even bleeding from post menopausal women.

In a substack article on 26 February Dr Paul Elias Alexander tips his hat to the work that Dr Thorp has undertaken;

Dr James Thorp gave his female patients voice on Tucker Carlson as to harms of the mRNA technology COVID gene injections causing menstrual abnormalities, miscarriages, fetal death, still births.

Dr Alexander knows Dr Thorp personally and describes him as one of the most genuine no-nonsense persons who loves humanity and strives to do the right thing. From his article he quotes Dr Thorp;

We compared the COVID-19 vaccine adverse events over 18 months with that of the influenza vaccine over 282 months using data from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),

Thorp explained regarding his paper.

We found a 1200-fold increase in severe menstrual abnormalities, a 57-fold increase in miscarriage, a 38-fold increase in fetal death or stillbirth rates.

Thorp also revealed he found

15 other major pregnancy complications all far exceeding the CDC and FDA values of safety...[before referencing] more than 30 other completely independent sources globally that corroborate exactly our findings.

To me he is a hero giving voice in particular to ‘women’s issues’. Although if this, as seems to be the evidence, is affecting female reproduction it is a concern to us all. He’s also a hero, along with all the other doctors (and everyone else in their position) who has taken such a stand against these “vaccines” because there is a strong likelihood he may have his licence revoked for spreading “misinformation”.

Cartoon from cagle.com

The aforementioned gag order that has been placed on every nurse and doctor in the US has been done via the governing bodies – including the Federation of State medical Boards, the American Board of Medical Specialities, and the American Association of Nursing Colleges.

Indeed the American Board of Ob/Gyn have reached out to Dr Thorp with a threatening email;

They apparently did not appreciate my suggestion that they are liable for civil and criminal charges for forcing the ob/gyn’s and maternal fetal medicine physicians to push the covid19 jab on pregnant women.

Pregnant and breast feeding women were excluded from the original safety trials. In the absence of any human data Pfizer announced it would begin recruiting volunteers for a clinical trial to examine the safety and efficacy of it’s mRNA “vaccine” in pregnant women and their newborns.

The trial began in February 2021 with the original intention of enrolling 4,000 volunteers but enrollment stopped in late 2021 with just 349 participants. There has been no explanation for why they stopped recruiting. No data has been released even though it is 18 months later. Do they have something to hide?

In response to questioning they admit they don’t have the data. Recruitement fell precipitously towards the end of 2021 stating this was based on wide recommendations from authorities. However, it should be noted that recommendations to pregnant women to take the “vaccine” is less about proven safety than it is about any lack of evidence to the contrary. At least officially – which is why this new paper by Dr Thorp will be so important.

Meanwhile, following an FOIA request to the Australian drug regulator in June 2021 shows Pfizer undetook a study involving 44 rats. 22 injected with mRNA and the other 22 with a saline solution. Despite their study showing a double chance of fetal loss Pfizer deemed it “not biologically meaningful”.


Documents accessed by Judicial Watch showed in Moderna’s similar study that a “statistically significant” number of rats were born with skeletal variations after injection. Moderna considered these to be structural changes not impacting development or function and therefore “not considered adverse”.

I remember myself looking into this issue not long after the vaccines were introduced. The authorities pushed the “vaccines” for pregnant women stating there was no evidence of any harm. However, when I dug into the matter a little deeper there was simply a complete lack of evidence back in those early days due to the extremely low take up by pregnant women, meaning little evidence either way.

As Dr Robert Malone puts it;

The twisted logic here essentially being that in the absence of clear and compelling data demonstrating vaccine risks in pregnancy, the product should be assumed safe.

That people like Bill Gates have openly stated their ideas that the world is over populated I’m sure has no bearing on this issue! Just saying guys.

Video removed for violating YouTube policy - presumably that of telling the truth!!

For those wanting to dig a little deeper here is a long interview between James Thorp and Steve Kirsch.

Here is a list of his full findings from his detailed interrogation of the VAERS database, which was conducted alongside a Department of Defence contractor who wants to remain anonymous.

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding (menstrual irregularity) is 1000-fold greater
  • Miscarriages are 50-fold greater
  • Fetal chromosomal abnormalities are 100-fold greater
  • Fetal malformation is 50-fold greater
  • Fetal cystic hygroma (a major malformation) is 90-fold greater
  • Fetal cardiac disorders are 40-fold greater
  • Fetal arrhythmia is 50-fold greater
  • Fetal cardiac arrest is 200-fold greater
  • Fetal vascular mal-perfusion is a 100-fold greater
  • Fetal growth abnormalities are 40-fold greater
  • Fetal abnormal surveillance tests are 20-fold greater
  • Fetal placental thrombosis is 70-fold greater

This, plus the fertility and birth rate going down, does sound like depopulation. I guess the real numbers of death & damage are already terrible.