Bringing Delegations Back To Hive

in GiftGiver4 years ago (edited)

When GiftGiver first started out, we did only one thing. Provide free delegations to users who needed it because they were out of Resource Credits. When we moved to Hive, we didn't immediately port that over onto hive. While our work on Steem has stopped, we made a new tool for Hive, a faucet.

But today, we saw someone who just wanted to make a post and couldn't because they didn't have the RC to do that. And so we helped. The first user that we gave a delegation to on Hive because they were low on RC was @photographerxx.

And now, we are brining that back for everyone to use. It's not available just yet, but it will be this weekend. We will be buying more HIVE in order to be able to provide more users with delegations. Once this is launched, we'll make a post explaining it. It'll work the same way as it did back on Steem, just with a different number of HivePower being delegated as we learn what's the best for everyone.

Stay tuned for more information about this coming later this week, including new info about our faucet that I'm sure you'll like.


If you have any further questions, you can join us on our discord or check out the FAQ on our website.

Be sure to check out our new Hive faucet at

Want to advertise on our site? Send an email to [email protected]

Written by @rishi556.