SPinvest Care Package

A while back, @silverstackeruk organized a @spinvest raffle. I love raffles, so when I saw he was giving away XV, EDS, EDSM, SPI and SPI swag, I started throwing Hive at him to get tickets. I normally have terrible luck when it comes to winning anything, so I was surprised that I won some stuff!

I was even more surprised and delighted that I won some SPinvest swag! How many people can say they have Hive swag? Very few, I'd imagine. How many can say they have SPinvest swag? Far fewer than that!

Well, my care package finally came! I thought I'd share all of the goodies with everyone, because there was some sweet swag inside!

First up are some Hive-branded pens and a SPI-branded pen and holder! Perfect! I can never find pens when I need them, so my odds of finding one just improved! 😆

Next up out of the box were some stickers! To be more specific, they are LBI (Upper left), Hive (I shouldn't have to point this out) and SPI (Lower left) stickers! They are high quality! Now I need to go stick them in random public places to help spread the word! 😁

Here it looks like we have a couple off fridge magnets with the Hive logo, but wait!

They're also bottle openers! Awesome! 🍻

I was pleased to find a SPInvest fridge magnet! This one isn't a bottle opener, but I like the wood grain effect on this!

Is this what I think it is? I seriously hope so, but looks can be deceiving.

It is! SPI playing cards! These are very nice quality cards, too!

What care package would be complete without chocolate? None! It's especially cool, because usually I'm the one giving US-based chocolate coins, so it's fun to get UK-based chocolate coins! And who doesn't like Cadbury eggs? If you don't, repent! 😜

Lastly, there was this box inside. I was surprised to see this in here, since I was expecting smaller items. I got excited opening this.

Awesome! It's a SPinvest mug with the Hive logo on the back! Considering how much coffee I drink, this is going to get used expensively! 😁

This was an awesome box of swag! Thank you for holding this raffle, silverstackeruk! I hope you run another one soon! 🤩

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@bulliontools, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/3) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @bulliontools gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

Congratulations mate!!

That's a lot of good stuff !BBH

@bulliontools! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @seki1. (2/5)

Beautiful and practical Hive collection items. I love them.

How fun! Lucky you.

Thanks! Right? I hardly ever win anything!

Thanks for curating my post! 😁


melinda010100, bulliontools sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Very cool, that is quite the haul! Congrats on the win!

Thanks! 😁


@bozz! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bulliontools. (3/20)


$PIZZA slices delivered:
bulliontools tipped melinda010100
@bulliontools(2/5) tipped @thisismylife
bulliontools tipped bozz

I want one of these

You'll have to ask @silverstackeruk if he has some left 🙂

Congrats for you mate. So lot of HIVE stuff

Thanks! Yeah, it's awesome how much stuff was in it. 😁

Congrats on the win! That's a great package!

I have to admit I never had a Cadbury egg, I mean I ate easter eggs of all sorts over my life but it seems these have special fillings. I even had filled ones but I don't recall any having these liquid fillings (looked them up lol)..

In my defence, I'm Dutch and we probably have a lot of things that we eat and people from UK and US don't lol.

Enjoy the package!

Thanks! Yes, these eggs have a cream filling. I especially like the ones that have an orange cream filling. They're especially popular around Easter.

What treats do normally eat around Easter?