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RE: Dear Justin Sun

I appreciate your answers to those questions and overall stance. I obviously don't speak for anyone but myself, but from what I have heard in various townhalls and on the streets of Twitter/Steem, I believe that the majority of the witnesses/community stands in alignment that:

The Steemit stake should never be used to vote, but also shouldn't be forked off the chain. This answers the fundamental question that Justin keeps raising as his main concern - his funds being stolen.

I also believe that it is in our best interest (and his) for him to keep that 65m STEEM as a stake in this chain and allow the community the breathing room to keep buidling here on our chain. It simply allows him to enrich himself and all he would need to do is fire out some tweets to promote the things happening on Steem (arguably, the thing he enjoys doing anyways).

Hopefully this message becomes clear to Justin/his team.

p.s. lmao at your GIF to Ned. I hope he sees that someday.

Posted via Steemleo


Would it be acceptable to you to have Justin as a hands-off investor in Steem, without any obligations regarding his stake, other than not interfering in governance?