Greenhouse cleaning and unexpected mushrooms

in Homesteading2 years ago

Since the last tomato harvest has already been harvested, I started cleaning the greenhouse and preparing it for the new gardening season. To do this, I had to clear a whole bunch of tomato tops, remove all the weeds and loosen the ground.


After cleaning, a whole pile of waste was formed, but in addition I found several pepper bushes, which perfectly endured freezing and judging by the condition of the leaves feels great.


I'm thinking of digging up one bush and transplanting it into a pot to take it to the house for the winter.


But besides pepper, I was surprised by another find. After pulling out one of tomato stalks, I found this in its roots


These are the real champignons. I have already tried several times to grow different mushrooms, in different ways, but something did not work for me, and here is a completely unexpected mushroom


I decided to move mushrooms into the house as well. I dug up all the earth along with the mushrooms, put it in a plastic container and took it home to the bathroom.


There is the highest humidity, I hope the mushrooms will like it and they will be able to multiply there.


Hope they do well for you!

Good idea taking them to the bathroom, perhaps add some more compost as well?

Yes, I'm thinking about adding some food for mycelium, may be straw or grain or compost