Coop Door Opener, Concert, Plants, Fire, Trailer, Grilling, Pet Detective, Chess - Friday

in Homesteading12 days ago

Yesterday morning I got the code working right on the coop door opener but need to dink again as it opened a bit early this morning. Something with the time reset must have gone wrong. I will play with it later today.


Mid day was the boys Spring concert at school which @stryeyz came home from work for.


The music teacher is retiring after 40 years of teaching and this is his last school concert. There were a bunch of parents in the audience who had him as a teacher years ago and it was a nice celebration.


We waited for the boys after the concert and then all headed for home.


Our co-op order was in and I headed to the truck to pickup. My plant starts came in which was the main thing I wanted.


I quickly got the mall planted in the greenhouse, 6 peppers and 3 tomatoes.


Later afternoon I got a fire going in the pit and fed it a bunch of cardboard and pine needles to try and clean up a bit.


AS @stryeyz was getting home from work I was getting the trailer ready for the grain run I will be doing this morning. I will also be paragliding so got my wing ready and in the truck.


I grilled beef and bison steaks for dinner.


Threw for a bit and slammed the 2 triples in only to have the third darts go awry.


I put Ace Venture 2 on in the evening for while we ate. Silly movie.



It was chess night and @stryeyz beat R and I beat J. J and my game went a good while.


Got out to soak but only managed an hour before my skin fritzed.


Today I am going to get grain later than normal but that is so I can be to Saltese around 8am to hike and fly, hopefully with a couple other people. I will empty the grain when home, PDC is on again, then I will not be grilling tonight as we have the brews for boosters event for the school we will go to.

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Who wins the chess game between you and @stryeyz ?

We still have to play, been a busy day so far.

Who usually wins?

It been a while since we played but I think I'm up. We've more so played against the boys.

Seem like the music teacher is a good person for a lot of people to be around to celebrate him
That’s really cool

It's great that you're having a very interesting day.