Kayaking Davis Lake, Hung Curtains, Fire, Grilling, Cherry Infestation - Sunday

in Homesteadinglast month

Yesterday morning I watched some of the PDC until the ManUtd game came on which was a complete and utter spanking by Arsenal. It was a given that they would lose and really it was just a matter of how badly. Rob Cross won the PDC tournament even with Humphries throwing a 9 darter.


Mid morning I pulled all the kayaks out of the shed and then got them all loaded into the truck and strapped down tight.


We then headed north to Davis lake. The parking area is rather small and there was a number of people hanging out by the water, but no one out ON the water.


The wind was blowing pretty good from the south, right into our faces, for the whole paddle down the lake.



We got some solid wind driven waves, at a few points the waves were well over a foot tall. Not far from the launch I was watching the fish finder and depth meter which showed 180 feet deep only a 100 feet from the highway. It is a straight drop off.


Camp Spalding is on the south end of the lake and nearby is this rock sticking out of the water. It is surrounded by a shelf of rock and the boys wanted to get out and climb around on it.


We watched the Osprey circling and diving into the water all around the lake. I love to see them shake off mid flight after popping up out of the water. You can see the spray of water as it did a full feather ruffle between wing beats.


I also watched 4 buzzards circling in a thermal that built off the hilltop to the west and they went right to cloudbase then disappeared into the cloud.


2.5 miles of paddling with half of it INTO the wind. You can see my pace was super slow on the way out but the last bit was with the tail wind.


After loading everything up and heading home I unloaded the truck then went up to the studio to install curtains. I got all 3 installed which will help to reduce the heat radiating inside the studio. They are outdoor curtains so should handle the UV.


I got the fire going in the pit then had to fix the kayak stand in the shed as one side had broken. A couple screws had is fixed and the kayaks were back in their place.


I was looking at the cherry trees and noticed they have damaged leaves and when I looked closer I have a massive infestation. I have to mix up a heavy dose of neem and see if that will do anything. I wasn't expecting any cherries this year anyway since the blooms got thwacked by the cold.



Grilled beef rib steak and bison t-bones for Mother's Day dinner.


Headed out to soak which my bore aching back and neck needed. My upper body is pretty sore from the hour of arms in the air flying and then the tons of paddling.


Getting rain showers this morning which I woke to at 4am and popped up to get some things out of the rain outside. This morning we have a meeting with J's principal for next year, I am fighting with my coop door code still, boys to and from school, weedeating, reseeding, then figure out something for dinner this evening.

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I already bragged about Man United winning Arsenal but I failed😅

Wow! From flying to kayaking. You worthily spend your life.😊

Sunday is likewise a very special and enjoyable day, it is good that you are also doing activities of your choice.