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RE: The Flicker Haven Farm Files-Impending Flower Harvest

in Homesteading • 11 months ago

Aww, I am glad you think my zukes are cutes😊

And I am so, so gleeful that you got to harvest some lavender. My field won't be ready for at least another week, we had such a delayed cold spring, followed by extreme heat, so my poor lavender field is a bit on the confused side lol! I

I am sending the love right back at ya, and I can't wait to do a post to show you all how much potatoes grew in those sacks, hopefully a ton, but I have an 80' row planted and growing as a back up lol! You know me😉

And speaking of some down time, after pressure washing the whole barn out today, I think I am ready for some, it's nap time!

Hope you are having the best, most splendid 4th weekend evah!!!