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RE: Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1258)

in Homesteading2 months ago

It sure can be! I will give it my best but going from a cozy cabin to a tent is gonna be rough and there is no way around that.

Thanks for the good vibes!!! They are appreciated. 🐇🏹

Haha I like the guessing game as well! It does look like ragwort. I think it is called 'cressleaf' here or something. There are like five names for it. 🔫🤗🗜️🍵


😅I know your emojis are all weird now.... but I have to ask....

🗜🗜🗜? 🫣😂😂

Haha it is supposed to be a key but posts as a C-clamp! 😁

😂I just noticed, on pc (Where I write all the posts) my emojis are also all messed up! Works fine on the mobile app though 😅

Haha that makes more sense, was starting to wonder exactly what a clamp translates to 😂🫣

Ah the plot thickens! At least it is not just me. 😅 Such a weird bug.

🗝️ I found a key that works. It is named 'old key' but looks like a rolled up scroll. 🏹🤣🏹

🤣🤣😅Love the fact that we are putting so much energy and effort into these emojis, seriously the most random thing ever. 👻👻🏹🔫🏹🤘🏻