If you want to be successful, then start now, from small things, big profits.

in Homesteadinglast year

God really loves humanity as His servant, so God is willing to take care of human life from the time a human being is born until he dies.

We humans don't need to be difficult and anxious about this life, God has given everything to us according to our needs, even our sustenance in this world has been guaranteed by God, Guaranteed to exist, even God knows how much sustenance we need, when and where.

Even so, we as His faithful servants, must not surrender without wanting to try and do, we must be willing to try, do what we can, with what we have.

After trying, don't forget to always pray to God, then God will give us what we want and need, even more than our needs.

There is no reason to be lazy, don't expect that God will rain gold down from the sky for you, don't expect that God will deliver diamonds and pearls in broad daylight when you are lazy to move, it's all just hope in vain.

To start a business, you don't need to have a large capital, you don't have to have a large area of ​​land, the important thing is there is a desire and will, so we can do everything.

If you have some empty land in front of your house, then don't let that land be neglected and overgrown with useless weeds, use it to work to make money... then how do you do it......?

Because your land is narrow, choose plants that have a dual function, where besides your plants you can consume, you can also sell them to make money.

One of the good plants for you to cultivate is cayenne pepper.

You can cultivate it in a black polybag, the goal is to save space and make maintenance easier, both watering and fertilizing.

Use fertile soil in polybags so that your cayenne pepper grows well and bears fruit quickly.

You can use compost or fermented cow dung.

One stalk of cayenne pepper if cared for properly will produce as much as 10 kg of fruit, with a harvest period of one year.

just imagine if you had 50 stalks of cayenne pepper in the polybay in front of your house, then you would have 500 kg of cayenne pepper, and if you multiplied this by the current price of cayenne pepper at IDR 50,000 / Kg, then 500 x 50,000 = 25,000,000 .

Of course that's extraordinary, it can make you and me become new rich people and suddenly rich people.

Remember, even though God has determined our sustenance, God still wants to see how much faith we have in trying and fighting.

Start something now, start small, without complaining about capital and never be afraid to fail.

That's all from me, I hope it's useful for all of you.


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