Good new my homestead and hive gardeners, Today is Veggies Harvest , Weeding and inspection of the successfully planted Fluted pumpkins

in Homesteading19 days ago

Hello Hive

With a joyful heart, I present to you my successfully planted fluted pumpkin seeds. Transplanting is usually a game of luck; you have to fight with getting a quality seed first, the right soil, and every other factor that will make your veggies established. I had a failed attempt earlier last month when I bought and planted some fluted pumpkin seeds from a random place at the market.

After transplanting and losing the seeds, I began the quest to search for better seeds. Eventually, I got these two seedlings just last week, having purchased them for over $1 at the store. I had prepared the sack location and added a little fertilizer before transplanting it.

Today makes it exactly one week. I have planted this, and there is no single sign that these are going to die. Better yet, I have noticed that it has gained some height. Everything is fine now, as I have some seeds established here. Maybe I could add more and cover some more areas because fluted pumpkins are a commercial vegetable that is really expensive compared to all other vegetables because of its rich nutrient component.

There is a lityle bit yellowing of the leaves whivh can be related to the transplanting phase. Crops fiest changws color before it begins to acclimatize with the new environment.

Another good news in the house.

I finally get to eat some soup using the vegetables harvested from my garden. Although the journey to this day has not been an easy one,.
Having planted two species of vegetables. The African spinach "Efo tete got destroyed by pest infestation while I was watching how the Lagos spinach "Shoko" has been struggling to survive the thesame ordeal.

Eventually both veggies didn't survive the attack. I uprooted the former spinach and replanted the place with no positive result, while the later spinach was harvested today.
I decided to harvest them because they are heading to the same fate as what happened to the first spinach. I wanted to at least enjoy some veggies from the garden before they all get destroyed.

Well, once the veggies are all cleared up, I might think of the next step to take: either seek solutions from the veggie store concerning the pest issue before replanting another set of veggies or fill this place with some other type of vegetable that cannot be affected.

I was able to pick up a few healthy ones with no rotten spots and add some peppers, tomatoes, and seasonings to make this vegetable soup. It's time to enjoy some healthy breakfast or lunch, however you feel like eating.

Remember to wash them in salt water before cooking.

To conclude this blog, I have been so impressed by the growth of the jute mallow. The leaves are green and healthy, while the plant is ready for harvest as well.

I have been trying to learn how to eat jute mallow soup for a while now. Coming from Benue State, we don't eat this soup over there; it is the Yoruba people's cultural soup and i am looking forward to a weekend that i will get to prepare this soup my own way, adding a little chicken broth to see if I will find it palatable. Sometimes the manner of preparing some soup can put someone off but if you get your own ingredients and make it your own way it is possible that we get to create new recipes and eat these food our own way.

Jute mallow is also rich in nutrients, and it aids in easy labor and contraction during childbirth; hence, it is locally advisable for pregnant women to take more of it in our Yoruba culture.

I ended up doing today's garden activities by removing all the weeds around the veggies that are most likely competing with the healthy veggies.

All images are mine, and on this note, you are invited to lunch; it's semovita and vegetable soup. Thankk yo.🤗


Everything looks so lush and green! Great job!

Thank you so much, I am encouraged by your words

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