Post Birth Calf Check & Cow Care

in Homesteading4 months ago

Are they doing well after the birth?

Pinkie knew it was coming, and sure enough, our Dexter cow Zinnia was ready to calve. After catching that event on camera and making sure all was well, we backed off and gave the new calf an hour alone with his mother. Then, it was time to take care of some business and do our calf check and some post birth cow care.

Despite it being a cold and rainy day, our ladies got it done nad even tried to record some to share with y'all. Enjoy!

Post Birth Calf Check & Cow Care - VIDEO

Until next time…

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Congratulations on the new addition good to know that the new born island mother are all doing well.

congratulations on the new arrival! however, i was quite surprised to see you guys administering commercially obtained products and/or your own grown and blended herbs, which cows in the wild/domestically would not
be naturally exposed to;

would not “…as natural as possible” include not injecting mother nor calf… but, also not supplementing either with any natural nor synthetic dewormer or commercially obtained treatments?

do you guys not have faith enough in God and Nature, that your beautiful herds and flocks can, and will, survive and thrive on their natural instincts to consume, on their own, what they may require for optimal/primal health via what is naturally available in their environment?