Learning: An unending Journey Of Life

At what age can one say I have stopped learning, or can one even out grow learning? These are some of the questions that I pondered on most often. It is said learning is a continuous process because for change or growth to be more efficient one needs to learn new things, unlearn and relearn things that will help us suit into the society that we have found ourselves. We stop growing when we stop learning.
I have grown to understand better that life is a school that teaches us all things, but it's left for us to either open up and learn from it or remain ignorant of certain things about it.

Learning is the only criterial that trains us how to embrace challenge, manage it and come up with a point solution to it. Learning is a lifelong example we engage either consciousness or unconsciously only for our benefits it also increases my sense of self-fulfillment.

Although learning comes in multiple forms. Growing up I learnt so many things both negative and positive, but I only get to choose what will be of benefit to me, family and my friends including my society. As long as I'm acquiring new knowledge, it helps to boost my self esteem and keep my brain healthier. When i take the time to learn new things, i open up my minds and gain wisdom that can help me make the world a better place through social change and other life-affirming endeavors.
As said earlier, I have learned so many things, some of which has moulded me to be a better and stronger person, some of the things I have learnt in the cause of life are patience, forgiveness, humility, gratitude, hardwork, dedication et.c some of thises thing i learnt them through pains, some were from my mistake, others from people around me while others from challenges or situations of life. Although I'm still learning I have not yet arrive.


    Things learnt and how it has improved my life.

a) Patience: This is a virtue that I cannot do without, although most times it seems like it's not working but with patience and perseverance it will come to be. Patience is one thing that has helped me, at first it was not so, but I came to learn that for me to exercise patience is first learning how to be patient with myself. Thinking about this, if I'm not patient with myself how can I be patient with others? So I had to start it with myself, and I was able to overcome it when I first saw the weakness of impatience in me. So I took a step back and made a conscious effort to be more in touch with my own emotions and feelings. When i notice that I'm being impatient. I also learn to be patient with myself by making myself wait for things,

b) Forgiveness: This was one of the difficult things I had learnt. It's easier to say I have forgiven you, but deep inside my heart I still hold grudges against such person. But with this it was not helping me, and even the scripture state that we should forgive others their wrong, just as Christ has forgiven us. My Happiness is what I can't tread for anything, having unforgiveness brings nothing but sadness, depression, regrets etc, meanwhile I can liberate myself by letting it go, and have my happiness, peace freedom back just on the altar of forgiveness. Forgiveness brings peace that allows me to focus on myself and help me go on with life. The Bible is my manuscript for forgiveness, Forgiveness is setting myself free from every chain. Although forgiveness comes with great benefits and I can say that I'm enjoying those benefits.

c) Happiness: Looking at life itself, it seems there is absolutely nothing to be happy about, especially when I'm faced with challenges that brings about doubts and questions in my heart. When most times it looks like all hope is gone, there is nothing left. Will there be reasons why I should be happy in such situations; yes I always have reasons to be happy. I always believe that when there is life there is hope, and as far as God has good plans for me, I will surely scale through those times, knowing that such time will always come and it will always be there, being unhappy will not change anything. Instead it will create another health challenge for me. I will rather remain happy and stay healthy, than worry and get sick in the process, yet the problem is unsolved. I also say nobody can give me that happiness I desire except myself. So in the face of challenges I learn to be happy. Although it may sound difficult, I try as much as possible to stay happy and remain happy, no matter the situation always wearing a sparkling and attractive smile. This has help me to build myself both physically, mentally and emotionally.

Learning is one thing we cannot exhaust, because it helps in our daily lives,and help us to become a better person for ourselves, families and our friends.

Thank you for reading ♥️
I am @pricelessudy


Really nice post fam, I specially liked this part

for change or growth to be more efficient one needs to learn new things, unlearn and relearn things that will help us suit into the society that we have found ourselves

It is so true, and sometimes we forget about that and we think that what we know is written on stone, and we can't change it. When in reality our knowledge is like building sand castles, we give it a form and then something happens that change it or we learn something new and we expand it, or change its form.

although most times it seems like it's not working

Ufff this part about patience is hard LOL

Hahahaha Yes, patience is always heard, that is why I see it as a virtue because it's not everyone that possesses it.
Thank you for this amazing comment 🙏