How to Make Really Beautiful Flower Vase Using Paper

in CCH3 months ago

Hello Everyone!
Today I make a really beautiful paper flower vase. Need to make three flower sticks. A paper vase is made by drawing lines on paper and folding them. So it takes long time and patience to make it to be more beautiful and neat.

For one flower, need to make two types of flowers. You can see the pictures of each step on how to make them.

After making three flowers, fold three paper rolls and cut small pieces on each side of them. The next step is to attach them with flowers.

In this step, cut the leaves and fold them as wavy shape again. Glue two leaves on a flower stick.

For the paper vase, measure and cut the yellow paper with 12cm, 28cm. Mark the points on it and draw the lines as shown in pictures. The vase is made by folding those lines. The bottom surface should be glued with other paper.

I like very much that flower vase because it is really beautiful. Especially, this flower style is very beautiful I think. I also take beautiful pictures. Thank you so much for your reading my post to the end.

February 27, 2024
Written by @asterkame
By my photos & made by me


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Thanks a lot.

It looks much better when it was finished.

Right. I think so. Thank you.

Beautiful, I congratulate you

I see. Thank you so much.

Wow, so beautiful. Keep it up

I see. Thank you so much.

The display of handicraft results is extraordinary and this is a very good art

I like it too. I'm trying to improve my work. Thank you so much.

Bravo! You did it well.

Thank you so much!

wow.... really appreciate your work... so neatly you have made these beautiful paper flowers...

Thank you so much. I will make more beautiful and better things using paper.


Great post!
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I see. I don't know it yet. Thank you!

Great Art, looks like real 😍

I see. Thanks a lot.❤

Pleasure is mine 😄