Frequent Thunderstorms / Monday / Last Weekend

in CCH14 days ago


Frequent Thunderstorms

We're getting thunderstorms frequently. Even yesterday while in the city, a thunderstorm broke out that we're unable to go home immediately. We also had multiple thunderstorms last week. Such thunderstorm is a sign that rainy season is here, and we're just waiting for the weather bureau's declaration of the transition.


My friends are here after they created their video near the beach at late afternoon yesterday. We planned of going for the funeral of our friend's mom but time is not enough. It is gloomy since this morning, and the rain didn't fall yet. There are times when I like this kind of weather.

Last Weekend

We've been to San Carlos City this weekend for deaf field service. While at the main road going to the city from the town of Binmaley, I captured these photos. However, it was gloomy in the afternoon as we're heading home. I'm just glad it didn't rain.



