My activities when attending a wedding reception

in CCH29 days ago

Hello all friends How are you today! I hope that all my friends are always in good health so that they can carry out their activities as usual and I hope that today's activities will get the results we hope for.

On this occasion I will share several pictures of my activities a few days ago, namely when my family and I attended a friend's wedding reception at a certain location. and on this occasion I did not waste this opportunity and managed to capture several pictures of the event using my cellphone camera.

My venerable hive friends
A few days ago, my beloved family and I attended my friend's wedding reception in a very beautiful place. On this occasion I saw that there were many invited guests who came one after another to attend the event and at the same time congratulated the bride and groom.

At the wedding reception, various kinds of very delicious food were also provided and all invitees were invited to enjoy the dishes provided by the party who owned the house. And in between the event, various prayers and religious music were also accompanied.

As we know, every time there is a wedding party, it is always very lively and at this event various arts and other entertainment events are held which are mainly to entertain the guests who attend.

That's a little story about my activities when I attended a friend's wedding, I hope my friends will be entertained by reading it

Below I will share some pictures of my activities, hopefully my friends will be entertained by seeing them.

That's what I can write on this occasion. I hope this post is useful for all of us and I really hope that this post will please all my friends and thank you for visiting my blog.
See you in my next post, of course, in this greatest community
Thank You
send regards for success