cute and adorable village cat photography

in CCH28 days ago

Good evening all hive friends.
I'm @riyat. In today's post I will share some cute cat pictures and interesting stories about local cats.

Who here likes local cats?. I am one of those people who really like local cats, coincidentally today I have taken several pictures of local cats, and I will share them here with all my friends.

Those are some cat pictures I took while on holiday at one of the seas in Bireuen district. This sea is called the Jangka sea. I was on holiday at this sea with friends and came across several cats that approached me while I was eating.

Because I really like cats, I gave some of my food to some of the cats there. After I gave food to the cats, the cats immediately became familiar with me by sitting and sleeping next to me.

Here I managed to photograph two cats with different colors, first I will share a picture of the orange cat first.

This orange cat is very cute, he is very tame, he likes to be stroked by me and often makes funny behavior that makes me laugh. But it's a shame that this orange cat is a little skinny, maybe because the owner of this cat doesn't pay attention to what this orange cat eats. what a shame. because I'm on holiday so I can't take this cat home without the owner's permission first.

This orange cat still looks very young and very clean. I rarely see cats on clean beaches.

I also took several pictures of other cats, and they were also very tame to me, I think this was a female cat, and here are some of the pictures I managed to take.

Very funny. But this cat is not stubborn, the cat just lies down. This is different from the orange cat which often makes silly behavior.

I really like the orange cat because he is very active, he often jumps here and there and often rubs his head on my leg. he seemed very pleased with my presence.

And I also took a very unique picture, where this cat looked very naughty when I took the photo. but to me he is very funny.

He looked at me with a sharp gaze, as if he wanted to pounce on me haha. Even though when I give him food, he is like a child who was bought a new toy.

If you like cats here, you can immediately share your experience in the comments column below👇👇

here are some of my pictures and stories today about some cute and adorable cats. I hope you all enjoy my post.

The images and stories are purely mine, I did not plagiarize anything from other people's content. I took the images using an Vivo s1 pro cellphone and edited the images using the Lightroom application.

And I wrote the article above in Indonesian and translated it into English with the help of Google.

See you again in my next post❤❤


Wow man you've got the cutest of cats 🥰🥰🥰🥰 I've got two cats I call YEET and No YEET they can be a handful 😂😂

YEET and No YEET. What a unique name, my brother😃. Are your cats in pairs, a female cat and a male cat...?

Oh no they are both females but they have opposite personalities.. one is more sociable and not afraid of humans and the other is more like a romantic quite and calm type😂😂 that's why I gave those names to them


Two very useful personalities guys. for example = If we are sad, a cat that is sociable and not afraid of humans might be able to calm us with its behavior. But when we feel tired, maybe a calm and calm cat will be more fun because it doesn't make a mess 🤣🤣🤣🤣

You're absolutely right my good friend... 😂😂😂 That's even what's going on here

Haha. I know because I have experienced it. because I am also a cat lover like you, my brother 🤣🤣🤣

😂😂😂 that's awesome buddy it's good to have you here on Ecency

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Awesome cat ☺️

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