A Sweet Sunset Under the Chinook Arch

in Photography3 months ago (edited)

Chinooks happen here a number of times in the winter and they are great as they bring in warm air from over the mountains and we typically get a lot of melting above zero temps when they occur.


However, that warm air is usually fairly strong winds so its not always possible to fly during a warm chinook as the winds often get up to 30kph. However, if they stay a bit lower around 15kph, then its no problem to fly on those warm days.

This was one of those chinooks, a warm day with low clouds out to the mountains leaving the classic "Chinook Arch" for a sliver of sun at the end of the day.


Just look at that, such a glorious moment when the sun peaks out under the clouds for an end of day golden sunset.

Checking out my remote crossroads for using as a launch site if the snow gets too deep again.

This is my plowed launch site (nice to not have much snow) so I can use my own field to fly from.