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RE: Kodak Pocket Instamatic 200 & Fujica Flash S & Closter C63

in Analog (FILM) Photog11 months ago

Nice! Three cameras in one post! You're really forcing the rest of us to step up our game.

I really like the idea of rewinding a 35mm film to double expose it. I have four shitty cameras with film in them that I might need to do that with.


I'm intrigued of the thought that I can make double exposures with a stranger, perhaps with a person who's long gone. That actually is quite a spooky thought but still I want to try. Again I've found a camera, Bilora Bella 66 that had a 120 film in it, a full roll and I decided to rewind it and try what kind of artsy double exposure photos it might give me. Can't wait to see the photos.

I'm hoping my film camera posts will force other people to post more about film cameras so that I'm not the only one posting to analog community. And of course so that I can read about all the interesting and weird cameras people have!

Cameras, like cars, used to look like something decades and a century ago. Nowadays both are just all the same, smooth and dull.