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RE: Veganuary 2021 {A Month Full of Plants!}

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

I agree with @fionasfavourites - this is an awesome and approachable way to get people to switch things up and give plant based a go. Good timing too - I was just chatting with my boy yesterday about finally getting the recipe for vegan chili from our eldest, so I can make some for him soon. I'm not sure he'd be interested in trying Veganuary, but I'll mention it to him - certainly can't hurt to ask!



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 3 years ago  

Vegan chili really is one of my favorite things to eat! Always hearty and easily adaptable for any palate. This tends to be the time of year when a lot of us are more inclined to try new things and make some changes, so you never know. Just watch out because if he jumps on the bandwagon he may try to drag you with him, hahaha!